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Thank heavens I actually waited overnight before I did this.  I was thinking, his parents are getting divorced and mom is getting the brunt of it.  She ran away.  He wants her back, but she is changing the locks and hanging out with her trouble-making girlfriends, it is said.  She ruined everything. What about the holidays?

I don't get it.  After 35 years of marriage, the woman is entitled to be herself.  We get that, don't we? They all try to hope it blows over when she's done" finding herself".  Please. She has always known who she is and it's her turn now.  Have a martini and dance on the bar.  Oh dear, that reeks of one of those "whimsical" glasses painted with leopard spots and boa pieces glued to the stem.  Sorry, that wasn't the intention.

A brief aside:
My stepmother texted me to ask what my father should wear to a certain event.  I texted back that he could wear a polo shirt or one of those cashmere things.  Well, you know old autospell.  The return answer was that she didn't have one, but would a cashmere or ermine one do?  A thing, not a thong.

Back to the disaster averted.  I thought wouldn't it be great if I just dropped her a note and say that I'm hitting the road, and she'd be welcome at any time.  I hope I wasn't thinking Thelma and Louise, but maybe that would work for her.

I went to sleep, got up and had a meeting, then went to the gym, and on the way home I thought about it again.  Oops!  No one is supposed to know about the drama.  Why I was the confessor on this, I do not know.  A more interesting oops: how would I tell her that I knew she needed a road trip.  Do I tell her I'm a friend of her son's? I imagine it happening and I think of how skeevy it would be if she had any idea of the sexting that had been going on between us.  On the other hand, I've never been one to avoid walking into a hornet's nest just to see what would happen.

Sigh, my imaginary boyfriend would have to do.  He'll eat less and borrow less lipstick.