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First I said I would go after my son got into college. At that time, he would be fully baked and my responsibilities as a parent were pretty much over. His fall grades sucked, and now I have to decide if he should go to community college, scrounge up an unpaid internship, become a sailor or run away with the circus. Maybe I can just tell him to push the buttons on the Common Application for as many colleges as his school will supply transcripts, give him my credit card for application fees, and let the chips fall as they may. Yes, I'll do that.

Now, where to go. I thought I'd head down the East Coast on old Route 1, but I couldn't get excited about it. Then I thought of Pilgramage around Natchez, but that would be in the spring. All of a sudden, the Deep South electrified me. Alabama, Mississippi, those creepy swamps in Louisiana. And I must say, I imagine myself dancing at Tipitina's, eating meat and three with the big blond gals holding up southern society, slamming a beer down at a biker bar, spinning stories with the wise black women under the dripping Spanish moss. I am so terrified of my inability to shed my inhibitions. I need to take my IBF with me.

So I started digging around on the web. I need maps. There are so many interactive this and customizable that. It makes my head spin. I really want to use one that I can put in my blog, but I don't want one of those hideous travel journals with the aging paper theme embellished with compasses and binoculars, perhaps with headlines like "My Travel Journal" or "Postcards from Sunny East Jabip", and those red pushpins. I need to take this research slowly.

Maybe I can find a site about off-the-beaten path, roadside attractions,or scenic drives. Too, too many to comprehend.

Maybe some guidebooks from Amazon. Too many for Madagascar, Butan, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. I'm sure they are very nice to visit, but where's the good old US of A? Should I try triple A? AARP? Criminy, I think not.

I'm going to wing it.