Blog Archive

I want to go places I've never been, and revisit those that have great memories,  of course guaranteeing that I will be disappointed.  Here are some new places I would like to go to:

A tent revival
Tarot card reader
Voodoo shop
Sex stores (in fact, several)
Black church with fervent pastor and choir (oh dear, better pack something else than jeans, and perhaps a great go-to-meeting hat-- I actually have several of these and they don't weigh much)

Hmmm... does this mean I want my sex to be a religious experience?  And maybe cast some love spells?

Now to Mary Mary.  I was a little sister of a fraternity and their sweetheart as a senior.  Many of my friends also hung out at the fratty house.  One of the brothers had a girlfriend who was quite adamantly (and verbally) saving herself for marriage.  Someone said they'd like to be a fly on the wall and hear that thing pop on her wedding night.

She and I had a friend named Mary.  Mary Mary.  We saw Mary Mary one morning a bit disheveled and presumed she had slept somewhere other than her own bed.  The rival fraternity (you know, the one with the good-looking guys with the blond girlfriends) was somehow affiliated with fire trucks.  National symbol? They had one?  I can't recall.  I do recall that the gentleman in question was reputed to sleep with the fire hose.  We were dying to find out.  Mary Mary confirmed our fears and awe (we were southern ladies, after all).  I can corroborate that as I ran into him on Columbus Boulevard one summer and had to find out for myself.

Mary Mary Facebooked me today.  It's Mary Mary!!! she wrote.  Wow.  I have to get to Florida.  I hope she's still there.

Anyhow, we were all kind of titillated that morning at school.  We went to a movie that night and popped Quaaludes.