The color of your Silver Ghost says an awful lot about you. On a rare occasion, it will have the original paint and if you are smart you will keep it just as is. It can only be original once. If you are restoring and are an absolute purist, you will repaint it the same color. If you are more-or-less a purist but hate the color, you will select another one which is "correct" as in it could have been that color. This is a slippery slope though because all the bodies are coach built and hypothetically can be any color. There are an awful lot of red ones. 

And now we get into personal statements. I hang out at restoration shops a reasonable amount of time and when a really weird color combination appears it is usually the wife who has picked it out. The much younger, blonder second wife. although I must say that some really gaudy ones come from cigar-chomping wannabes. 

In my case, I am trying to optimize what I have. This is what I started with (except the doors had red striping on them which is in another picture but that one has other changes in it, I have no ideas how there is no logical sequence here). It is pretty cigar-chomping, no?
This is what it looks like without the whitewalls. Note to self: name the damn car so that I don't have to always be calling it "it."You can see the red stripes here. This is what it looks like with no red stripes.

Next step. This is with black brake drums. Much better dontcha think? It looks like a Rolls Royce. Just a few more details. This is the back of "it." See how the bracket for the trunk is red? It will be black. So will the battery box and the tool box which are the things hanging down from the running boards. 

Here are the wheels. Now your see why I really liked my birthday gift