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You can tell a lot about a person by what they have in their bedside table. I have my spare glasses (I cannot see without them), a hardcover novel that I've been meaning to read (on top of all those other hardcovers I've been meaning to read), a charger for my iPad (although I don't often use it until the next morning, so it could really be in the kitchen or something), and my Glock 9 millimeter semi-automatic (I bought it during my Laura Croft phase-- come to think of it, I must still have that action figure somewhere). And now I have a tube of Estradiol. Oh, and a flashlight.

I had been meaning to ask my oncologist for the estrogen for some time. I know it does nasty stuff in terms of girl cancer, but I'd been there and now that I live on borrowed time, I want a plump, pink vagina. Just in case. After eight years of celibacy, who'da thunk it?

So I sat in the examining room on the little green vinyl stool after my exam and took a deep breath. Er, I said to the doctor, I'd like to have some estrogen. And like I needed to get permission, I added that I was seeing a 33 year old guy, and well... I'm sure I blushed like crazy, although you'd think that giving birth to a plate glass windows of interns would have cured me of all modesty. I guess it did except for this. And, I wasn't exactly seeing the 33 year old. He lived only in my iPhone and maybe he could be my real imaginary boyfriend someday.