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The weather in the South is going to be so lousy, the Weather Channel has a whole article called "What's the difference between sleet and freezing rain?"

The quick recap of the forecast:

On Monday, there will be snow or rain in the Tennessee Valley.

On Tuesday, another "disturbance" results in "significant" snow and sleet and freezing rain over the interior Southeast.

And then the system will "save its hardest punch" for the East Coast.

Oh, poor Woody! Maybe my imaginary boyfriend and I will sit by the fire and Woody can stay in the garage.

Only one problem. I worked like crazy a month ago to clear all the old firewood from behind the barn to make way for some beautiful split cherry. I found a shed snakeskin and took a picture of it. I burned and burned and burned that wood until the house felt like the orchid house at Longwood Gardens, but totally devoid of moisture. I forgot to get the new wood. Now I have two baskets full in the house and will likely have no power again during the storm.  The cabinetmaker up the street puts its scraps in big blue plastic cans in the back of his shop.  You can take it for kindling.  I wonder if he has any unclaimed orders.  A desk or some chairs would be very useful right now.

By the way, ice accumulation impacts are officially rated "nuisance," "diruptive," or "crippling." The latter includes widespread tree & power line damage and impassible or dangerous roads. Power outages may last for days.  That's the kind we get.