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Two days this week I was trapped in my own home. I cleaned out the attic (gross). I can now make it to the road, which is perfectly clear, but dear Woody cannot come here. I thought I'd pick him up and take him to my ex-husband's for a day or two. No, he will not key it.  We are friends.

Then the snow came.  Again. And it's coming again Tuesday.  Well, I suppose it's for the best because Mississippi is still iced in, too. I want to go over Skyline Drive, and that is clearly out of the question.  Here I thought I'd have a merry jaunt across the country, and I realized it's 19 degrees here, 36 at night in Florida, and Woody has no heater. I am adjusting my packing. Check on parka, hat, scarf and gloves.

For the first time in my life, I am at a loss to pack enough.  I have a couple of pairs of jeans, some t-shirts, some long-sleeved, some not, a few old cashmere sweaters, and a boatload of shoes and pretty underwear.  I remembered my towel and my sleeping bag. Oh, and my pillow. I sleep flat on my back and I need a really soft pillow unless I want to wake up with my chin stuck to my chest.  I have a basket with peanut M&Ms and Tootsie Pops, a roll of paper towels, my favorite go cup and a water bottle. My basket of books is huge. I needlepoint (!), and I've packed a belt project (flying pigs) in my purse, and a larger one (pillow for my stepmother) for sitting on porches. Two pairs of scissors (my personal obsession; you never know when you'll have to cut something). A flashlight. Toothbrush. First aid kit (hey, I'm a mom).