The best series on TV, by far, is The Deadliest Catch. Whatever those guys are paid for the crab, they should be getting double. Getting packed to go to sea is such a thrill. I am heading to my own personal Bering Sea. I need the fleet blessing.

So here's the first load from my pickup to Woody.

This is my portable dresser. I have no intention of dragging a suitcase in and out of strange rooms every night, so I am packing an ice bag (that's what those LL Bean canvas totes were called in my sailing days because, uh, duh, we needed ice for the cold locker) to shuffle a few things back and forth. Thus, the dresser. It unzips toward me. That is the back seat. There are three seats.

Under my pillow is my sleeping bag and a blanket. I may need some cheap sleeps. You can't see my picnic suitcase, but its on the floor to the left.

This is my front seat.

As promised, the basket carries the absolute road trip essentials. Tootsie Pops. I am also a pig, and there are no cup holders, so I need at least one roll of paper towels at all time. On the floor that teeny tiny red spot is the edge of gargantuan battery pack. Oh, and you can see the center of the steering wheel hanging by a cable. The horn was stuck. 

I have decided against seat belts. I can do that because the car is old. It's fun to slide from side to side when taking a turn a little fast.