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I forgot to mention some more interesting sights from Route 30. First there was a hay bale lady. She was made from the big honkin cylindrical bales, not the little square ones. One was set with the whirly  part down, and the other was on top of it, the other way, so that there was a flat surface for a face. She had a green scarf on her head and a red dress. I suppose that's sort of Christmas, but what the heck, maybe Valentine's Day. Oh, and in between is Chinese New Year, and it is auspicious to wear red.

Then the jackpot! Plumbing man! He was about 18 feet tall, made of pipes and elbow joints and such, and painted bright colors. Almost as good as a muffler man!

I have been trying out various systems for carrying my considerable load of cables for the electronic devices:

  • Phone (now that I've found it)
  • XM boombox
  • Portable XM receiver 
  • iPad
  • Macbook Air
  • Videocam (although it is currently missing)
  • USBs of several varieties to transfer files, including photos and videos (none of those today)
I also pack a power strip as it would be a blue moon if I ever had a room with that many outlets. Besides, I am likely to lose the various cables. As you can tell, I lose a lot of stuff. The power strip has one of those huge cords.  It's a pain in the ass to fold up and tuck in somewhere. I was first very organized; I put all the cables in a fetching light-weight tote that the Cheshire Hunt puts local products (honey, chocolate, preserves, biscotti, some kind of breakfast bread that I gave my ex because I was going away, and I don't remember what else) in to thank landowners for allowing the horses to go through their properties. I have four acres, mostly woods. They are never, ever going to chase a fox in my direction. Maybe that's why I occasionally have foxes.

Anyhow, I drag the tote into each room in which I stay. Two nights ago I had a brilliant idea. Why don't I keep all the cables plugged into the powerstrip, roll the whole thing up and then just unroll it at the next stop.  This is what happened:

I spent 20 minutes untangling them, and then had to plug each one in separately anyhow.

This morning, my personal Area 51 extended to my boombox. It is not small. I do not travel with a lot of crap. In fact, I only bring in what is absolutely necessary which is usually underwear, a clean t-shirt and sox. Nevertheless, I lost it. After multiple walking aways and coming backs hoping to see it, I finally found it. Plugged into the wall, but not into the powerstrip. That'll teach me.