IMG_3951.jpgIMG_3954.JPGIMG_3952.JPGIMG_3950.JPGWhen I was in junior high, you had to take shop if you were a boy or that one weird girl, or home ec if you were a girl unless you were taking some majorly hard honors math class which is what I did. I am majorly bummed because I am good at sewing and cooking but whatever. Here in Ohio you can get ribbons for home ec. This is the ones from the littler kids.

This is Harry Potter Pumpkin. And this is a stamped card like you can buy on Etsy.



This is old style embroidery that would look very good in Jennty

This tickles me for obvious reasons.


This is an amazing hooked rug that won Best Of Show. Deservedly. The picture doesn't do it justice.


Here are some quilts. I particularly like the one with the farm equipment. I wish I could buy it.



IMG_3969.jpgMoving right along, we have prize canned goods. This is they. I asked if there was one person that always wins. There is not.



This is the cut flower competition. Because this is the last day of the show, they all look like crap. At the Philadelphia Flower Show you need to refresh every day. A couple of guys looking at them note that people pay a lot of stuff for this. Especially the fake one. For decorating you know. Then they note the purple arrangement and shrug.


IMG_3973.jpgThese are the prize-winning arrangements, commercial class and regular. Lots of garden clubs do the pumpkin thing. Didn't know it was prize winning. Note to self: do more pumpkin and flower arranging. Win prizes.