IMG_3933.JPGIMG_3934.JPGBesides being a Pumpkin Show, I guess you could call this a pumpkin fair. And at fairs you eat. All sorts of really bad things for you, the epitome of which is a corn dog. This is the corn dog stand. I can't believe I passed. This is the steak on a stick stand which I also passed.

IMG_3945.JPGIMG_3944.JPGNow here is something I did not pass. It is Mike's Cheese Shack. They serve Wisconsin cheese curds. I do not know what a cheese curd is.

IMG_3949.jpgIMG_3946.jpgThis is Jack Bobby. He is wearing a cheese hat and takes your order. Not sure what to get, ask people in line. This is Holly with her cheese curd. She says it is good. Holly is right. This stuff is deep fried in kinda a tempura batter and is unbelievably oily in a good way. Had to throw half of it out when I went to the Arts and Crafts part where they have quilts you can't touch with your greasy fingers. Also had a Dr. Pepper which I hid in my purse.


Lots of these food stands are for local charities. I especially liked the fried bologna one but as I can't eat everything, passed.


Here are pumpkin things you can eat from the obvious to the downright strange. Here are some expected ones.


IMG_3987.JPGIMG_3986.jpgI had a pumpkin brownie (who doesn't like brownies?) and it as birthday cake icing is made of polyester, this brownie is made of latex. I cannot pull it apart.


There are lots of things that have very long lines. This is mini donuts which are sold at Lindsay's (sp?) too all year round but hey it's the Pumpkin Show. I know this because I asked someone.


This is the pumpkin taffy you can take home for mom. You can also get pumpkin fudge.


This is where you can get Pumpkin Walking Taco. I really want one of those. They are sold out.

So are pumpkin cupcakes.

There is a majorly long line for pumpkin ice cream so I just had to have some. They have only one compressor so it takes a very long time to get your ice cream made. They also have sundaes and I missed the boat on that one because they have caramel sauce with pumpkin pie spices and candied pecans.

Despite the gastronomic riches, there are no fat people in Circleville. Note to self: move to Ohio, throw out Four Hour Body and get skinny.