IMG_3928.JPGIMG_3929.jpgSo here we are at the Pumpkin Show. As this is Ohio it is very clean. You don't even get that greasy fair smell in your hair. This is one of many trash bins. This is the pony ride. The guy follows the ponies with a rake and gets that stuff up lickety split.

IMG_3932.jpgThere are lots of fair staples. This is the rubber duckie game. This is the carousel.


This is the Pikaway Brass Band.  I have a great rousing video of this but I still can't figure out how to get videos to upload. The people in the room next door in the Holiday Inn Express seemed to be very perturbed when I tried it out.


This is a row of folding chairs of the ilk that I enjoy and actually buy on eBay. There must be a parade. Check schedule. There are parades every day. Here are some of them:

  • Little Miss Pumpkin Show
  • Miss Pumpkin Show
  • Baby Parade
  • Parade of Bands
  • Pet Parade
  • Fraternal & Civic Organizations
Today is the Parade of Queens! There are over 30 beauty queens from all sorts of other fairs. This is Morgan. Isn't she pretty? None of these girls are made up. She has a button on her shash for every fair she has gone to. We've done 31 so far says her mom. Beauty queens in Ohio must be used to the cold because lots of them have capes. This is a great group of little beauty queens.


Here are some floats that are ready to go but the pictures don't come out because everything is shiny and what with the flash and all. I did talk to a guy who had a sorta pop up one on his truck trailer. I wasn't his idea but it is very handy for the little ones.

Note to self: remember atlas with festivals printed in the front from now on.