This is why you come to the Pumpkin Show. It has been here for like over a hundred years. Not the pumpkins, the show. All this stuff is in the middle of the fair and is sorta hard to get to but is totally spectacular. The piece de la resistance is the weighing of the biggest pumpkin. A girl at the canned goods room tells me that Dr Liggett usually wins. I did not get to see the huge pumpkins but they are over 1000 pounds.

I did get to see these huge carved pumpkins. Note the OHIO and the farm scene. I love the carved pumpkins. This is the OHIO pumpkin from two angles.


This is the farm scene pumpkin.


These are the magnificent pumpkins you can buy most for $1 or $2. You can buy the 437 pound pumpkin and they will deliver. Probably not to Pennsylvania though. They suggest UPS but I'm sure my UPS guy Rich won't want to unload it and it won't fit on the mat at my kitchen door.

IMG_4012.JPGThis is Blossom Koch. I know I got the last name right but I'm not sure of the first one but pretty sure. You know those farm boys. This is the head pumpkins he grows. He puts a pumpkin the size of your fist in the mold and let it grow for two weeks and there you have it. Blossom has one of only two molds in existence. They are patented by a Czech. You can buy head pumpkins for $40 apiece which is a lot but in the larger scheme of things a bargain at any price.

IMG_4017.JPGIMG_4002.jpgThis is gourds you can get for $1 a bag. This is Micah who sells gourds.


Lots more pumpkins. Gorgeous pumpkins. You can take them all home. I wonder how many pumpkins will fit in Woody. We could put them in a make a contest out of it with procedes going to charity like they do with jelly beans.

IMG_4009.JPGThis is freak pumpkins. Not sure what is so freaky.



I really like the pumpkins. I really like the pumpkin show. But that's just the beginning....