In general, one must have an alternative to DuBarrys, Muck Shoes, and Wellies. We wear needlepoint slippers, preferably from Stubbs and Wootton. The Stubbs are nearly $400 a pair, and in the neighborhood we take pride in ignoring Christian Laboutins and platform shoes (did that in the 70's), and refrain fro paying a lot for anything. Besides, they would look so new. So, I resort to buying Stubbs on eBay. Yup, used shoes on eBay.

Stubbs has a website, but they sell different ones in the shops in Palm Beach and Southhampton. The ones from the shops are better.  The basic style does not change from year to year, one that mom would say was "classic" and could be worn forever, just like your Burberry trench (the one made before Burberry was Burberry).  Thus, the shoes on eBay are a great deal. You just have to make sure you look at the pictures of the soles.  Worn is okay, holes are not.  Oh, and if they have heel and toe taps, the owner took care of them, but more importantly had enough good breeding to know that you do that with your shoes.

One pattern is black with yellow bees.  That's how they're listed. Hello? Wasps. You know, WASPs. Duh. My blue and white ones are sorta the color of denim, and I wear them all the time with jeans. My niece is especially fond of the ones with the frogs on them. While we're no Carry Bradshaws out here, I really wanted a good shoe closet in the addition. I now have six perfect shelves, with 36 perfect pairs of Stubbs. My one good pair of heels are stuffed somewhere between the sock basket and the used shopping bags (just in case you might need a shopping bag). Priorities, people.

There are also velvet slippers, the same shape and cut as the needlepoint ones. These are embroidered.  I have a navy pair with a sun on one foot and the moon on the other.  I think I have more, including one with silver somethings (they kind of look like something that would be in a Dan Brown story line). It is unfortunate that a very popular pair has skulls and crossbones on them.  They looked good at the time, but when Ed Hardy and tattoos became popular...... bad idea. Lots on eBay now.

The velvet slippers are also made for men.  It takes a real man to wear velvet slippers in public, although they used to be the only thing one would wear with a dinner jacket at home. An aside: the young teenage hockey team here was pretty good one year.  One of the mothers put pink skate laces in a silver bowl in her foyer for the players. Tough men wear pink.  It was a team-building thing.

Most of the women's shoes are available in mules. These backless slippers are reminiscent of the way we wore all our shoes in college.  You know, for when you're too hungover or too lazy to actually put shoes on your feet.  You just step on the back, sort of folding the heel down, and shuffle along. Especially fetching with a ponytail and pajama bottoms, coffee optional.

You have to get over the idea of wearing used shoes, though.  Presumably, the people who buy these guys new are "nice" people (my mother's term for social superiority). My best friend had the perfect rationale.  Just pretend they're from your best friend in Palm Beach. Problem solved.

My imaginary boyfriend now acquainted with my imaginary girlfriend with the good shoes.