Why are text relationships so mystifying?

I was attempting to ferret out some information/advice about the attachment one can feel even if actual face time is limited (how on earth do you Google that?) when I stumbled on a site that gave tips for men about creating interest through text.  And you know what? One of the pieces of advice was...well, I don't even remember.  I just saw a list of suggested messages.  One of them is "Cupcake, my dog did the funniest thing."

Bells, alarms, whistles, amusement.  My almost-real imaginary boyfriend sent me a text early on in our flirtation to the effect of "Cupcake, my dog is a ninja." Ah-ha. I am understanding more and more that he is no more knowledgable about what to do in our situation than I am.  It's almost comical, but I am losing patience with the indefinite elapsed time until we actually talk, actually touch, actually... well, you know.

I have developed a knee-jerk reaction to hearing from him (even, or especially, by text).  Even thinking of him.  I am dumbfounded by the physical manifestation of my desire.

I send him a text that I think I've found a car.  He texts back right away.  I can't get him to reply to any other subject.  He texts back that he'll put a list together for me when he gets home.

Me:    You're too sweet

Him:  You should have a taste

Me:    Don't go there
          I have been having a difficult time all day
          I'm like a frickin Pavlov's dog

He's engaging with me for the first time and I tell him not to go there.  Or maybe not the first time.  After the birthday incident, we inched around the subject.  On Thanksgiving, we had the naughty chef.  I told him it would be a quicky.  When he inserted his thoughts, I broke it off, saying that's for dessert.

Usually I provide the details and he reads.  I'm getting really good at sexual imagery.  I can be a real whore by text.  Funny, they are my fantasies, and I find that he is pleased with the story regardless.

I once read that women shouldn't worry about how they look because men are happy just to see them naked.  Maybe he's just happy to think I'm naked.  I think about him naked.  I wonder what he'll be like naked.  Will it be anything like the guy in my mind? Not like, size or anything.  That doesn't matter.  It's the intimacy that I get visually.

I need to be so gentle with him, so considered. I need the physical, the real life physical. I want him to read what I write here, but I don't.  It's so raw, so tenuous that I would be afraid that he would disappear.