It occurred to me the other  day that one of the fonts of all things gossip is the beauty parlor.  Note I did not say salon.  These are the places where one gets a set, not a blow dry.  There are hair styles. With AquaNet. I imagine Betty pulling on a Virginia Slim, although today Jeanette is more likely to be smacking gum or drinking bottled water.  I do not want to go somewhere they recycle.  I do not want Evian.  I do not want San Pellegrino.  I do not even want a sports bottle of any kind.  Give me my girls. 
I am going to make a considered effort to have my hair done every few days.  I want big hair.  I want a French twist for Scooter's wedding.  I'm hoping to hear whose no-good husband is chasing Trixie.  I want to hear about the little problem with the law cousin Scotty is having. I want to know what their natural hair colors are. And I won't have to pack a blow dryer.