I found him in my compost pile. It was like in Bones where they have to go on just some body parts. How did he get there? The Ice Truck Killer? (If you don't watch Dexter, you don't get this, do you?) Maybe he is the voodoo thing that I couldn't find in New Orleans because I am a tourist and tourists don't get to do the real thing. Ever. OMG! He might be Brad's long-lost brother. Did Brad do it? Or has he been spit from the bowels of hell? I will have nightmares for at least a week. Poor, poor imaginary boyfriend's brother. Oh, I fired almost-real imaginary boyfriend, so maybe he did it in a jealous rage. I love being the center of jealous rages. Must decide whether to bury him properly or let him sit on the bricks by the back door with the little plastic boat I found when we were digging the foundations of the barn. Maybe that would creep me out.