This is my mid-life crisis car. I just sold it on eBay to a serviceman in Afghanistan whose email address includes the word "decent." I like decent guys and am happy to have sold it to him. But I still have a fondness for my life after I ran away from home the first time. I also have a garage space issue. So gone it is. 
With much ado, my new BMW with the obscene 400 hp engine arrived from Oregon. Good deals in Oregon, there are. The truckers were two wild and crazy guys, just like Steve Martin and Chevy Chase in the old SNL. Eastern Europeans with socks and patterned shorts and all. 

How many times do you get to see the underneath of your car? Especially when it is practically new? Well, I did because it was on the top of the truck. This is what it looks like.
I pretty much couldn't watch them taking it off because they had to do all sorts of acrobatics to bring it to the bottom. Didja ever wonder why, for heavens sake, anyone wants to watch childbirth? You can never look at your wife the same way again. This was a pretty messy thing too, and I didn't want to be traumatized. Here's how it went:

This is wild and crazy guy number one. He is the driver and trailer operator. I forgot to get his name in the heat of the moment.

This is Jerry. He is wild and crazy guy number two and he called about directions about 30 times from 100 yards away not knowing he was 100 yards away. My son had to talk to him because he just didn't understand me. Well, I guess I wasn't being very clear. Remember, this is childbirth. He needs me to sign for my baby's birth marks.

Ta-da! The Beast is born.

There is only one key and the iPod cable is missing. Well the bag with the barcode is there but the cable isn't. So there are a few deficiencies, but he is still my child, bless his heart.