The Transcontinental Tour begins. This is where I sorta drive the undrivable 1924 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. Supposed to leave last night so that I could stay one night in the same place as the flight took off. Had pedicure and drove 15 minutes. Couldn't do it. Really wanted to stay home. Will spend one day in August with my son until college starts. Needed to be home to get my thoughts together. Also, I like my home. One a.m. Get call from son who is staying at his father's house while I am touring. Uh, mom, can you let me in? Decided to stay one more night. We are both on the same wavelength. I needed extra hugging which he was happy to provide. Drove 2 1/2 hours beginning at 5 a.m. Flew to Coeur d'Alene. Coeur d'Alene is very rainy and also very hard to spell.

This is Denise. She works at the Coeur d'Alene airport. It gets very busy between May and the Fourth of July. There will be crazy people, mostly her. This is Denise's tissue box. It looks like a Hawaiian sofa. Would be a good match for Woody.

This Denise's flower too. I think it is a peony but it is much nicer than the ones in my garden. It is rainy in Coeur d'Alene. It makes everything green. They grow grass in Idaho. Grass for grass seed. Never thought about it, but I suppose grass seed comes from somewhere. Also alfalfa. Her mother grows cherries and one year grew potatoes which she will never do again. She didn't want that dirt in her house. It usually gets warmer after Father's Day.

This is Danielle. Danielle is the Assistant Manager of Transportation for the Coeur D'Alene Resort. She used to make telephone books. This is true. Then she worked in accounting. Now she is in charge of the vans, golf carts, bell boys and luggage storage. The vans go to Spokane every hour as that is how you get to Coeur D'Alene. Danielle's father was in the Navy so she didn't really grow up anywhere, but she went to high school here. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her mother who was a submarine researcher but now is retired. Danielle is finishing her four year degree in communications. It is her passion. She went to Idaho State (or the University of Idaho, I forget which) for two years and is now at Lewis and Clark. Danielle thinks that corporations would do much better if they communicated better. She wants to be a trainer. Danielle will be very good at this. The White Supremacists also were in Coeur d'Alene. You know, the ones with the compound. They lost it in a law suit. The White Supremacists (note to self: look up exact name of bigots) have a parade in town every year. Danielle says this is the best thing that has happened to Coeur d'Alene because the town wants to get everyone away from the parade so there are free movies and art shows. There is now a civil rights museum.

Checked in. Two Ghosts already here. Rest of ours will arrive late this evening. I brought a toothbrush as all the clothes are in the car which is still in the truck, presumably some place in Wisconsin or somewhere. Charged phone as played Jewel Quest 2 most of the way. Checked out bathroom. They have waste reducing soap at the Coeur D'Alene Resort. It has no middle. Cheaper, no? At least you can unwrap it unlike at the Holiday Inn Express where you have to have plastique to get to the soap. You can also buy an Intimacy Kit for $5. That's the same price as a First Aid Kit. It has two condoms and personal lubricant in it. If I were feeling randy, you can bet I'd be happy that they sell Intimacy Kits at the Coeur d'Alene Resort, but I have fired all my imaginary boyfriends. Note to self: look for new imaginary boyfriend. Or not.

Still lousy weather. Took this picture waiting for elevator. Had to squeeze foot in very small opening to get on before I had to wait for another one. Read tourist magazine and discovered that Coeur d'Alene is CdA. This is much easier to spell.

This is Stan. He works for someone with a Rolls Royce. Stan will be on the tour. He drove the car from Georgia, or somewhere else where they have accents, in a car carrier. This is not too different than carrying your cat in a pet carrier. He drove from Jackson today. Uh, which Jackson? Jackson Hole. Thank god, I thought he had come from Mississippi. It turns out that this wasn't too far from the truth because the interstate was closed in Nebraska because the Missouri was overflowing its banks. I asked Stan if he had known for awhile about the closure. Not until he got there. It is a very long detour around Nebraska.

Had dinner at a Japanese place where I had Korean food. This is very disturbing to me. I am in Idaho. I want potatoes. What are these guys (my fellow tourists) thinking? Note to self: check out what else to eat is local to Idaho. Most of the people on this tour are very chatty. That is okay if you want to know about the same people for weeks and weeks. It is hard to get to know anyone else so I have to sneak off on my own. Big change from traveling solo in Woody.

Unloaded Ghost late at night. Not sure if I have my baggage but it is about 1 a.m. body time, and I have be traveling since 5 a.m., and I just don't care. Got into jammies and said the fuck with it. I can always buy a new sweater.