Looked it up. The bad people in Idaho are the Aryan Nations. That's supposed to be the official website, but there is another one that seems more like it. You can fill out an application. The page has lots of animated lightening bolts. There are also a lot of "coming soon" pages. You can also go to a site that says

I am afraid to click on the waving banner. It may be like the CheerWine website which keeps on making noise even after you close it. There seem to be a lot of sites for the Aryan Nations. I don't think they are very well organized. I do not want to know. [sticking fingers in ears] la-la-la-la-la... Also I have seen a lot of these guys on Locked Up or Lockup or whatever. They are scary.

I was going to put an image on this post, but I was too yucked out. And that's that about that.