This is Mark Sanchez. He is a quarterback. He also lives in California sometimes. This is important because there is a player lockout in the NFL which keeps all those players, well, locked out of the spring's activities including those mini-camps that no one goes to anyhow unless they have to. So all of the sudden spring training (I know, mixing sports, but deal with it) is popular. It's like telling a kid not to do something and all of the sudden it is their favorite thing to do. Mark Sanchez has decided to have a mini-camp of his own. He rents villas in California and has an In-And-Out Burger trailer at his training place. He has catered meals and film sessions. Optional conditioning in the morning and an hour of practice in the afternoon. Then skills sessions which consist of water balloon contests and such. The mini-camp is called Jets West. He pays for all of it. Mark Sanchez has a lot of people attending. I don't know what this means for the Jets. At least the white ones will have a suntan. All the guys will be packing a few extra pounds, though.

This is Eli Manning. He is also a quarterback. He wins a lot more than Mark Sanchez. He has decided to have a mini-camp too. His is serious and consists of two sessions a day. He pays for water. He does not have so many people attending. A couple of them dropped out. The mini-camp is not called anything. The Giants will still be good.

This is Michael Vick. He is a quarterback too. He goes to a fancy personal trainer in New Jersey. So do some of his teammates. Maybe he will throw some passes to the guys at the gym. Michael Vick is the commencement speaker for some group of high schools but his own high school won't rehang his jersey because of the you-know-what incident. Michael Vick cancelled his interview with Oprah. No one cancels an interview with Oprah. Michael Vick was really good with the Eagles for a few games. Then not so much. I guess he thought that the practices are a good idea but he just can't get it together. Sounds like the Eagles in a nutshell. I pray that Team Vick and Team McCoy and Team Maclin and Team Jackson and Team Celek will play on the same team come fall.

Unofficial mini-camp head count:

  • Jets, lots
  • Giants, a few
  • Eagles, none

Unofficial impact of the above:

  • nothing

NFL owners laughing their asses off.