Woodie is taunting me. Can't work on him in garage. He barely fits in and the light sucks. So, get him out. Big new battery working beautifully. Starts in one shot. I can't figure the damn thing out. Hoping to have had someone look at him, but know he doesn't need looking. Making a liar out of me. Starts. Doesn't Start. Would. Wouldn't.

Maybe the battery is good for one start only. Have no 6-volt battery charger. Is there even such a thing as a 6-volt battery charger? Call auto parts store 10 towns over. There is and they do. This is I forget. He and his homey know it's me when I walk in. Gee, what a surprise. I can't imagine how many girls they have calling for a 6-volt battery charge. $49. Go to get half-gallon of milk. This is the one thing I am really picky about. I do not drink milk with hormones in it. I like to get mine the good old fashioned way- from a tube. 

Decide I need lunch/dinner. Go to Capriotti's. One of my old friend's that I haven't kept up with since her kid got moved to Catholic school for crazy behavior sister started the place. They are in a ton of states now. They made it to Esquire's list of good junk food (I think). This is Capriotti's. This is Becca and Lisa. There is another Becca who looks just like this one. 

This is a Bobbie's. I always get a Bobbie's. It is Thanksgiving on a roll and there are ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSTITUTIONS on a Bobbie's. 

Capriotti's uses Serpe's rolls. This is not a small thing. Philadelphia cheesesteaks are made on Amoroso's rolls. It is a very bad thing when something happens to Amoroso's. I think they lower the flag in Center City. Serpes's is to subs what Amoroso's is to cheesesteaks. And no, I will absolutely not get into the Genos/Pete's discussion. Anyhow, I'm not sure how they get Serpe's rolls to Las Vegas as it is a very small bakery. I bet they don't. And I bet Bobbie's are not the same as those in Delaware.

Get home. Read charger directions. After shock thing putting in new battery, scared of electrical connections. Wondered whether to plug in first or stick things on battery first. Turns out it doesn't matter, but if you clamp the red and black clampers on first you won't get shocked. Or scared, anyhow. Clamper things too small. Kinda wrap them around the screw parts of the terminals. Hope I don't fry anything. Charge Woody in rain. Pray for no large electrical fire. Wait several hours. Woody starts! Ok, problem must be generator. Pull Woody into garage. Almost in garage. Hit that little lip thing. Woody rolls back a little. Stops. Won't start. Woody now in middle of driveway blocking pickup and kid's car. Get out and smell major fuel. Go inside and let flood subside. Return outside. Starts. Pray that he is in far enough so that garage door doesn't smash him. Held breath. Stood with garage door opener about an inch away as though I think I can actually make the door stop by pushing the button. Pray that I have that automatic squish prevention thing. Made it by a half inch or so. I want to go back out tomorrow and measure it because it is almost humanly impossible to be that close.
Races tomorrow (Willowdale Steeplechase). Spent $365 for a parking space. No Woody. Lots of rain. Probably bagging it. No more of Susie's chicken and orzo salads or bloody Marys. Wonder if can sit inside Woody and drink anyhow. Afraid of getting stuck in mud. Tailgate competition this year is "inspired by your favorite chef." I wanted to do Betty Crocker. Don't you remember (or have) your mom's grease-stained Betty Crocker looseleaf cook book? ABE Books has a first edition for $195. I could serve jello molds and brownies. Bologna roll-ups. Wear red and white checked apron. Make lemonade in a pitcher. Maybe Kool Aid? Bummed. My Betty Crocker rocks. Woulda won.

Get back online to hunt for good deals on used 2011 BMWs (a bit of an oxymoron, no?). Unbelievably confusing. Sent emails to request info to about 10 places. Got phone calls from all of them. While I was sleeping, and I didn't sleep that late today. Had to make spreadsheet. Really. Checked off options and colors from each dealer. Tried to properly identify correct dealer about whom I checked off options and colors. Go to BMW site to get prices of all options so I can add them up to see which is a better deal. Really need Premium 2. Also Sports. Lots of other stuff cool but not completely necessary. On the other hand, when you spend 70 K for a car, you shouldn't have to do without cool stuff. On phone with trusted confidantes. Still confused. Found really great deal. Flood car. How do you think we offer such great prices? Next. Really great car. CarFax says Lemon. Emailed guy. It was bought back by BMW due to faulty door sensor which was then fixed. I wanted to believe that but he made a typo (I think) and said it was die to faulty door sensor. I wonder if cars are haunted the same way houses are when someone dies in them. Next. Really want Deep Sea Blue. No dice. Costs $70K, but that car has all the options.

[Blogger ate this part of my post- trying to recreate it but it won't be as long as I cannot remember all the rambling stuff I wrote- lucky you]

This is my new car. It is Graphite. I hate black cars, but this is kinda a light black. Oyster/Black interior. Also grey wood (not sure how they do that) trim. Checked specs. No Driver Assistance which is what shakes the steering wheel when you get tired or something. But has really super duper driving thing. Did you know that the only thing the M car has is a higher speed (over 250 or something on your dial) and a grey headliner? Now when am I going to go that fast? The acceleration and handling are identical. But I won't be able to exhibit the M that costs 5 grand. Anyhow, Caleb in Salem, Oregon was very helpful. They must have politeness schools in Salem. Also enthusiasm classes. Truth be told, I wanted to buy from Caleb even if it wasn't the best car. But it was. Get buyer's remorse. Call Caleb again to be sure of all options. No Cold Weather package, but I can deal with a non-heated steering wheel and my back seat passengers will have to deal with non-heated seats. Does have electric window shades though. Not sure what they're used for. Best of all, has that Tom Cruise movie heads up thing.  Even Caleb says it's cool. I am now officially captain of my space ship on land. 

How did I get from looking for a $30,000 used sedan to a 400 HP 2011 BMW? Just like a man. Send them out to get a gallon of milk and they come back with a John Deere (not that I'm complaining).


This is an iris from my garden. It is called Batik. 

This is a model of something. My dad gave it to me. It has been in our house as long as I can remember. I think it is a steam engine. I'm not sure what it's for but it's cool. Happy me: Flowers, Bobbie's and cool machinery all on my kitchen counter.