Today was the Northeastern Rod and Custom Car Show. It was held in one of those suburban expo centers next to BJ's and Home Depot. When I looked up directions, the place gave its exact address for GPS users and then said don't use that address because you won't get there. Instead you are to use the address for the Oaks Deli and Pizzeria and you can figure it out from there. On the way there, I noticed those Please Don't Litter signs, and one of them said This Area Available. Good to know that if I need to toss my Budweiser can out the window this is the place.

In addition to actually seeing the cars, I saw in the newspaper that LeSean McCoy, one of my favorite football players, would be signing autographs. Better get out my lucky Eagles hat. And check this out: Russell Newberry from Deadliest Catch would be there. Now this is really big news for me because my father is turning 90 this summer and one of the only TV shows he watches is this Bering Sea saga. We talk about it. His wife walks by an episode and says that she's already seen it, as if bad ass men lucking out (or not) in catching crabs is always the same. We know better, Dad and I. He says that whatever the guys are paid, they should make double. Anyhow, I quick printed up a card for him that says "Happy 90th Birthday Henry, Straight From The Bering Sea." Hope I get to see Russ. 

Paid my 15 bucks and meant to go flying over to the line for LeSean as he was going to be there 1-3. Then I'd have to track Russ down because I had no idea when he would be there. The website didn't say. The first thing I saw was the most unusual wine I had ever come across. This is Mr. Boyd. He sells Jalapeno wine. Yup, Jalapeno wine. They're the only ones that make it. Uh, yes. Paid my $25 and stuck it in my bag with the birthday card and the lucky cap. He asked my if I wanted to try it. Hell no. I'm not sure what occasion calls for Jalapeno wine, but I'm sure I'll find one. Wine guy says it goes well with really soft brie and crackers. I'm sure... 

Luckily, xxx told me that Russ is in the very back right. Make a beeline and run into line for McCoy. It was relatively short so I got on it. 1:15 no McCoy. 1:30 no McCoy. 1:45 no McCoy. Watched airbrush competition at end of hall on top of trailer. I have to risk it. Darted over to find Russell.
And here he is! Russ is one cool dude. Swears like a, well, sailor. Funny as all get out. I cut into line and asked him to quick sign the birthday card. Told him he should make more money. Phone rang. My dad, I shrugged. Russ says put him on. No shit. He talked with daddy dear for about five minutes, still swearing like Popeye. Later I talked with Dad. Gale's not going to believe it, he said of his wife. She told me he was beaming from ear to ear. Cool. After the 40 or so birthdays I have known him, I have found exactly zero more ties or shirts or books or talking bass to buy him.  Asked Russ what he'll be doing at 50. Well, pretty much the same. He's 48! I thought they all unsuccessfully used their survival suits by then. Russ's dream situation is working for the Hillstrands (Time Bandit, in case you need a refresher) on Sig's boat (Northwestern, hey watch the show). Russ is a free agent, he said. Went to see him a couple of times. Told him I'm going to Alaska next trip and showed him a picture of Woody. Russ said to go in June. Nearly gave him my phone number, might make almost-real imaginary boyfriend jealous. He gave me a CD. Wish I could listen to it in Woody. Checked out his blog. There will be a big party from Miami to Key West to Cozumel on May 12-16. It is called The Dangerous Red Cruise. Note to self: check calendar.

Quick got back onto McCoy line. Only a few people back so I guess he isn't as exciting as Michael Vick. This is Bill and Bob. They are big fans. With the new TVs, they like to watch the games at home. We agreed that it's too loud at the Linc and you can't see anything anyhow. They don't know each other. This is Ben. He knows how much every picture costs at every retail outlet. He also knows the schedule of all player autograph sessions. He said he is a collector. I've been looking around, and I think these guys buy the stuff, get it autographed and flip it. Maybe that's why they said that you could only get one thing autographed. Note to self: check out sports memorabilia on eBay.

This is Greg? As you can see, his helmet has lots and lots of signatures, even the most obscure. No Donovan McNabb, though. Wasn't meant to be ironic. And this is Heath from Portland, Maine. He has two cars here. I later found that he has a business of some kind catering to hot rodders. I'm not sure what he's doing in the McCoy line. He is a Patriots fan.
And here is Mr. McCoy himself. He has a huge diamond watch with an Eagles green face. It has diamonds on the sides too. Football players always look smaller to me in person. I think he is a small guy anyhow. Have to look it up. We are not to pose with him for pictures because there are too many people in line but it's okay if we take pictures of him signing things for other people. This is a skinny table so when you get to him you are really face to face. I wish I could have taken that picture though. This man has a million dollar smile. He changed pens to silver to sign my hat. I blessed him for saving our team. Later I heard Lesean (we are now on a first name basis, being within six inches of each other and all) working a car trade with one of the hot rod guys. At the end of the day he was talking to a guy in a sports jacket with a wife in a skirt. Must be official business because this is a jeans and flames kind of day.

Chores done, I decided to see the show. This is Lonnie and friends and their cool Ford. There is not a single wrinkle or bubble on that car. It took them 4 1/2 years to do. I asked what they did first. The frame, then the engine then the body. They must have thought I had my head in an oven. Or was a girl, which was pretty much the same.

This is a 1957 Chevy Bel Aire. My grandmother had one of these except hers was two-tone blue. I bet she'll have this sweet ride in heaven.

Ford trucks. As you know, I have a fondness for pickups (behind scissors, farm machinery and cleavers).

Trans Am. My sister had one in high school but hers had t-tops. I was instructed that t-tops were introduced in 1976. Boy, these guys know their stuff. 

Chevy Nova. Who woulda thunk? Sweet, sweet story. Son finishes restoration started by dad. The top of the article notes a review of the new 2009 Audi TT. Good taste. My midlife crisis car.

Okay, now here are the bad boys. I thought all hot rods looked like this. 

 Batmobile. Has working flame thrower. No demonstrations I'm afraid.

Motorcycle airbrushed with fallen policewoman's face. I read about this in the Inquirer. She was very brave. These guys are very touched. So am I.

BMV crossover. You need to get your Daddy to buy you one of these for fraternity parties. Probably goes 500 miles an hour.

 Recycled Ford Woodie. 1940 (not as good as Woody's age of 1942). Sorry Recycled Guy. Interesting matte black paint job and low riding. I never understood low riders. Note to self: research low riding. Recycled Woodie's owner must be a graphic designer because not only does his brag board look groovy, but he even has one of those Rorschach test thingies that you scan with your iPhone for more info. He has cool decals on his back window. I didn't read all of his stuff and I usually rely on enlarging the signs in the photos when I get home. No can do here. Owner isn't around. Left my card.

This is Jim. I love Jim. He has a Firebird that he got in 1990. You can even see the inspection stickers from that year. You don't have to have older cars inspected any more. It would be a waste of time as none of us could pass emissions testing. Jim spent 13 years looking for all the parts before he worked on it. It took 2 1/2 years to do. It's really his wife's car. His wife has leukemia. She found out on January 15. They had signed up for this show last summer and his wife was really looking forward to it. She is waiting for a bone marrow transplant. If you are not already signed up, go to the bone marrow registry right away. It is the right thing to do. Jim's wife wears a bandanna. She looks very fetching that way and bugs Jim that it is time for lunch or dinner. It is 3:30 p.m.

Jim is also into John Deeres! He is working on a tractor that he got in parts but all the parts are there. It is what is called unstyled. This is the kind that isn't all covered in front. I looked it up. This is what he means. Styled on left.

When I was looking for these pictures, I found an entire website about farm machinery called Farm Collector! Note to self: research shows with farm machinery. Anyhow, Jim told me that this show is the first one done by this organizer and it's pretty good. You get to be out of the weather and the entry fee is $45 (a little high by all accounts). There are only three classes: street rods, hot rods and motorcycles. Not many trophies. But all these guys don't seem to mind. In fact, I saw about 12 people at the awards ceremony in the Food Court.

This is a 1940 Cadillac Fleetwood. It must be what the master drives to work while the wife and kids go fishing in the Estate Wagon.

Hold Cowabunga! Another woodie! And this time, a pink more bubble gum than bubble gum. I have to put loads of pictures in here because it is so cool. This is Eileen (or Irene, I forget which) and Buddy. Buddy has a metal fabrication shop which is very handy in this hobby. I asked Buddy who picked the color. His daughter's prom dress was this pink. 

Buddy's done a lot of work on Miss Woodie. She has muscle car seats, air conditioning, and a radio (!!!). He had to replace her wood panels, but the frame was intact. Buddy had to hide an awful lot of stuff under the fenders and other secret spots because the doors have no insides. Ms. Woodie was originally from Narragansett and (?) Block Island, R.I. Can't you see her shuttling the kids to the sailboat? Buddy drove her all the way to Michigan for his kid's wedding. So sweet.

This is Heath the Patriots fan exhibit. He looks really bored. This is the end of a three day show for all these guys. I'm surprised they're still standing. Saw a spectator with a Bud. Must be how they do it.

This is Jim. He is a Navy veteran. There are two Marines at his table too. He is selling raffle tickets for a $500 gas card. To help the veterans and their families. He told me I could buy one for $1 or 10 for $5. Well I'm no math whiz (actually I am) but the $5 deal looked like the best one. Except I can barely write anymore what with all the typing, and I really couldn't stand to fill out all 10, with the name phone number etc. Jim said he'd do it for me. As I walked away he asked me when he could call me. After all, he did have my number.

Now this is one truck I could have used in Tennessee. Except then I'd never meet all the guys in Monteagle.

This is Ernie or Mark. I remember Ernie, but there is a random note about Mark in my little cheat book. This is his Ford. We had a really grand talk as he has been looking for a 1942 Ford grill. He knows that it is different from all the rest and he knows that there aren't many '42s. I showed him Woody's picture on the levee. He asked if I had one showing the front of the car. I didn't think I did but I did. We talked about Speedway water pumps and he explained to me what was wrong with the originals. The bushings deformed into an oval and that's why the coolant leaks. The new ones have a bearing in there.

Love this guy. Not only did he get away with a great license plate, but he found a better decal than the Calvin pissing one. Note snake is Ford.

This is Paul. He has a trailer business and sells about 500 a year mostly to people in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, but has sold some in Texas. He has a whole lot of family working with him. His 23 year-old son and his daughter are taking over the business. They are very good and he and his wife could go scuba diving in Indonesia with only 2 emails. He saw some tiny seahorses and red clams with electric blue edges. 

Monster trucks! You ever seen these on TV? The noise is ridiculous, but it must be really cool to drive them.

Lots of these tall pretty girls posing for photos. They also sit for autographs so I guess I'm supposed to know who they are. Also supposed to know this guy with black racing suit because when I told him he must be tired after three days, he said yes with signing all those autographs and all. He gestured to a really tricked out car across the aisle. 

They auctioned off the airbrush contest entries. They are on car hoods. The money goes to charity but I have no idea which one. I'm not sure they do either.

The people at hot rod shows (at least this one) are much different than I expected. They are cool and very funny. Not at all scary. I'm wondering where the Latinos are. Must be a different show. Note to self: find Latino lowrider show. Wish I had a hot rod just to hang out. Here are a couple of really great shirts I encountered. One says Old Guys Rule It's All About The Ride. The other is for Sickie's Garage and you can get in on line. It says Our Quality Is As Low As Our Standards.

This is Miss t-shirts and stuff (end of the day, didn't ask her name). Along with two other guys she sells shirts and decals and stuff. The other two guys take the show on the road, but she has an eBay store. They sell more metal signs than anything else. They sold at least 25 of the Mother Road signs with a motorcycle and Route 66 on them. And lots of Three Stooges signs. I didn't see them, but I take their word for it. They must have sold them all. It's absolutely amazing to me that everyone I ask to take a picture of says yes. No one has ever asked why. The eBay store (staffin-associates) has lots and lots of shirts. Her card featured Lucky 13, Rat Fink and Mr. Horsepower. I had to know what they look like. Here are some examples. If I'm not mistaken, the Rat Fink ones are for guys who build rat rods, you know, those rusty things.

She also has Holly and Hooker stuff. Ever seen Holly's World on TV? She was one of Hef's girlfriend on Girls Next Door. Holly and hooker? No brainer.

This is Mark or Ethan (I think, it's the end of the day). He sells discount Toyota parts. This is a good thing because I drive a Toyota Tacoma pickup. He gave me a coupon for the online store and a whole bunch of note pads and pens. Less for him to take back, he said. He then gave me his last aluminum car cup. This is Cody. He is the new graphic designer for Grundy insurance. The late Mr. Grundy took a sledge hammer to his car when he developed Alzheimer's so that no one else could drive it. Cody does not know this and I am not going to tell him.

Came home with a raging case of delirium, like what you get when you're in the mall too long. The expo place is next to the King of Prussia Mall which is the second biggest one in the country (second to that hideous Mall of America that has a roller coaster or something in it). Must be second-hand mall disease. Thought about drinking Jalapeno wine. Thought better.