In addition to Woody, I own a 1926 Cadillac tourer. It was a wedding gift and I got it in the divorce. I also have an Audi TT roadster, a product of my early midlife crisis. I have three garage bays. My truck doesn't have to go in and my beater sedan doesn't really either, but my kid's car needs to  live there until he takes it to college. So it is now time to let go.

Here is my Cadillac. You can buy it on eBay if you hurry. Its number is 230601830664. At the moment it is really cheap but don't think you'll get it at that price. 

My best friend loves playing queen in the backseat when we go to the races. You can fit a cooler, pre-mixed bloody marys, chicken salad and a cheese tray in it in addition to four people. Or you can put seven people in. I almost always carry four plus the food. If some one's being a pain in the neck, I take three. And maybe some lawn chairs and a flower arrangement. Someone else has to bring the folding tables, though. 

Caddy is perfect for viewing the Pennsylvania Hunt Cup and the Willowdale Steeplechase because it is higher than all the vehicles except some duelies. You almost always make the papers, too. We're too cool for that of course. We never park in the antique and classic car area because it is nowhere near the races themselves. Just in case we actually want to watch them. I can't remember which race is which except I think Willowdale is the one in the spring. Yes, it must be because the convenience store where you get in to the Hunt Cup has a wagon with pumpkins in it. The sponsors are also different. The Hunt Cup has big banks and stuff while Willowdale has the local guys.

There is a bit of history about the races. I mean ours, not the races (who cares). When I first came to the country, I gained a great group of friends. We would park in the spot that my former best friend had because she bought a lifetime space when she was married. We had grand times with tea sandwiches and lots to drink. Then the powers that be decided that a lifetime spot isn't good for a lifetime. We were exiled up the hill. Just wasn't the same any more. It won't make any difference with my imaginary boyfriend. But maybe with my  almost-real imaginary boyfriend. Dream on.