Got email from black recycled woodie guy. His name is Jeff. Checked out his blog. I may not have figured it out, but I can't see anything but single pictures. Designer guy must not be writer guy. Tried subscription form. Writing! I am impressed by his cover photo in the Woodie Times. You can only get the Woodie Times in paper form. Be careful when you open the site because it has all those awful noises that new web designers think are cool. Hit mute. In the Gallery, you are supposed to be able to see a caption when you roll over the cover photos. Hey Mr. New Guy, fix this or don't put the site on your resume. There are also poems/songs in the gallery. I like goofy car owners, but in this case too much time on their hands. I did find out, though, that May 21 is National Woody Day. You're supposed to drive your car. I thought that was the point of owning a car but who am I to disagree. Woody Times is looking for stories. Boy could I tell stories. But I'm not sure they're up to hearing about an imaginary family. Note to self: call Jeff. We could use a friend.