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Just when I had given up hope on finding any eating place that I had on my list, I made it to Lynn's Paradise Cafe. It was cool. Woodie liked it. Here she is:

Here's what it looks like:

The lights are the best. They have upside down laps. They have light bulbs hanging like a curtain in the window. They change color. In the back there is a chandelier made of wine glasses. The ceiling beams have that silvery multicolory prism sort of contac paper. Makes it look like one of those cool pencils you get for selling the most mini teddy bears at the mini society fair. They also have multicolor lights in plastic tubes like they have in RV parks. Eight or so huge convex mirrors over the bar. There is also a dead tree painted white that has some john+kerry sort of carvings. I get the chickens and sheep mobiles, and even the Nemo-like fish at the top (it kinda looks like coral up there), but what's with the bunch of carrots? There are also mannequin legs with groovy pants on them kicking out from the walls.

I had read about the really big mimosa (is it called huge? giant? on the menu, I mean. I can't remember). But I also read about the Bloody Mary. I hemmed and hawed, and finally decided I could order one even though it's not brunch. We are not the ordinary bears. It was pretty good, but not the best I've ever had. The skewer was cool, though. I was cool, too, when I ate everything on it, including the hot peppers and their seeds. They were kind of juicy, and the seeds in the red one spurted into my lap.

Here's what I ate:

It was good. Pecan chicken with bourbon stuff (it is Kentucky after all), actually made with pecan flour, not pecans, so it was terrifically crispy. The green beans were truly green bean with ham hocks (I think), and well surpassed the ones with unidentified pork products at Lee's. And, yum. the mac-n-cheese.

The lady in the booth behind me asked if is was good. She said she was from Indiana, and came here because it was on the Food Network (whisper, whisper, as though Lynn's could never imagine anybody coming because it was on Food Network). She told her daughter, a rather large and rough-looking woman, oooooh they have a bourbon ball milkshake. Then she said she didn't like bourbon balls. Her daughter didn't either. Here they are:

As I was eating, I saw a cheerleader and her friend come in with her mother. I knew she was a cheerleader because she had one of those high ponytails with the ribbon in it and a silver painted star on her cheek. These girls play a serious sport. If you don't believe me, talk to Sue Sylvester and the Cheerios. Her squad took second of five. That's pretty good. Here she is:

Isn't she beautiful? Wish she was the one I'd kiss. Mom came back from the bathroom.

This is Jason:

He brought me derby pie. Enough said.

As I went out, I asked the lovely and edgy Shelby if they had any key chains as I didn't want to lose my new key. I have one. I lost the other one. Luckily, key chains were on sale. Mine is black leather with a telephone on it. It spoke to me. I decided to risk it. I asked her if I brought my imaginary boyfriend in if she would pose with him. She will! Here they are:

Then Sean (I think, I hope) posed too.  Here he is:

During dinner, I texted my almost-real imaginary boyfriend. It has been three weeks, and I thought I might throw it up against the wall and see what sticks. I sent him the picture of Woodie outside, saying Woody and I and my imaginary boyfriend were in Louisville at Lynn's Paradise Cafe. Going on to Bourbon Trail (first drink since I was such a jerk). Graceland next. P.S. I'm sorry and I miss you. And then I forgot about it. Good girl.

Brad got folded up and put in the backseat. I lied when I said he could ride in the front seat again. I like the room for my candy. I forgot to get groovy candy at Lynn's. At least I have my key chain and half a tin of Historic Ruth's cream candies. They must spontaneously regenerate as I thought I had eaten them all.