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I have become a Baptist. I think.

I was going to some nice street with nice houses that is recommended for a nice walk when I came upon a man van. Is this a man cave on wheels? There's an awful lot of hanging around in cars instead of street corners here. Maybe the weather.

Before I got to the nice street, I heard the most incredible black church choir and a charismatic preacher. I took this picture because I was so moved that I wanted to look up the scripture (and I don't do this often, maybe never). I took more pix as I couldn't find the door (metaphoric, yes?). I also took a boring video just to capture the sound. I found the pastor's parking space, and assumed it was the pastor's car there. I was writing him a note to tell him how I was inspired to the gut. As a got a few sentences down, two handsome and comforting middle aged black men came around the corner of the church. I told them I couldn't get in. They said they would take me, and I explained that I wasn't dressed respectfully (remember, I don't go anywhere I can't wear jeans). He smiled and said not to worry, I will be wearing a golden crown and robe. The woman behind me opened the door. She had startling platinum dreads and piercing eyes.

I listened and watched arms waving and heard yes, and amen, hallelujah. And a fabulous sermon centered on be still and you shall be something. I forget what it was, but it meant a lot, even to me. It is Black History Month. The preacher recited dates and events, like The Emancipation Proclamation and the Ku Klux Klan. The volume of his deep voice kept increasing until the congregation was a pulsing mass. Barak Obama. A change. A mighty wind prophesied before all tides turn. The war. The right thing. Our men. These are "black folks". I never once heard the term African American. I also saw that he was preaching the fortune of them to be in America, and that slavery was just a way to get to the good. I wish everyone were so forgiving to others. What does get pissed off if your brother drank the last milk really mean, anyway?

A most moving thing happened (I know I have been moving a lot). The pastor asked if anyone needed any guidance on anything at all. They went to the rail, and people I assumed were elders bent their heads to the parishioners and spoke privately for quite some time to those in need. I noted two young men together getting help.

Before I knew it, I had filled out a card and had joined the West End Baptist Church. I was asked to the front and handed a microphone. I was rededicating myself to Jesus. I asked for good people in my life. These are good people. More than a dozen loving ones came to hug me and hold my hands and look at me in the eyes as no one has ever done. I felt that they were looking into my soul with absolute clarity. I was on the verge of tears. One woman told me she liked my hair. I have seen "Good Hair" (if you haven't, you should). I know this means she likes me.

I was one of the last out of church, with a peace I had never experienced. I let go of my almost-real imaginary boyfriend. As I went into the area out of the sanctuary and next to the door, a woman asked me if I had a mister. I smiled somewhat sadly, and said no. She's having a couples workshop. I told her I needed a couple. Let the Lord find it for you. Don't try to do it yourself. This was my eating, praying, loving day.

The scripture for the day was Hebrews 13, 1-2. Part of it is "do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels not knowing it."

I did finally get to that street. It was very pretty and had some nice apartments to rent. Is this a sign?
And as I was getting ready to drive away, I found I had lost my keys. The church was locked up tighter than Joan Rivers' facelift. I knocked on the door. Nothing. I knocked on the office door. Nothing. I went back to the car at The DuPont Mansion and took every single thing out of it.  I took my clothes out of their suitcases, the books from their baskets. I shook out my sleeping bag. Found things I didn't know I had, like two hairdryers. As far as I know, I only own one. Couldn't find the keys. Must be at church, the Lord is making sure I go back.

I spent the afternoon waiting for the locksmith whom I promised $400 cash if he could get me out of there today. It's just a Ford, he said. Yes, a 1942 Ford. I had a piece of Genny's chocolate cake and read a guide book. He called. I'll be darned. He made me two keys that work. I need to get Buddy Christ for my dashboard. Ebay has one for $15.99, buy it now. You can bid on another one starting at $5.

  • Keys
  • Peduca
  • Videocam 1  (if I still have videocam 2, otherwise I didn't find it)
  • Locksmith
  • Huge bruise on my outer thigh (no, I do not know how I did it)
  • Jesus