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And Parents Weekend and Graduation. Lessons & Carols is an event. I'm not sure what it is, but there it is. I need to be nice. Very, very nice. The Monteagle Inn is the only decent place to stay near Sewanee: The University of the South (how proper of me). I asked about special events, like graduation. How do I get on the list for a room? Well, I could get on the waiting list now. It will be about seven months, nine for graduation. I reserved for 2015. Heaven help my son if he doesn't graduate on time. On the other hand, I could probably make a ton of dough auctioning the room on eBay. I wonder if there's a change fee.

I love the housekeeper. If her name is not Inge, it should be. She is one of those mythical creatures with natural white-blond hair after puberty. She also knows how to iron tablecloths. I took lessons. Mine are always wrinkled. The secret to sheets, she whispers, is to use the microfiber kind. Very soft. She's right. No more wrinkled cotton for me. She also noticed that I needlepointed. She does too. Cross stitch, needlepoint, knitting. She shows me her socks. I can't knit to save my life. The yarn slips off the needles. I definitely get along better with the help than with the proprietors. I think the latter view me as very, well, working class. I work okay.

This morning I asked for a recommendation for two things: a hairdresser (I want curls again), and a laundromat. She thought about the hair thing. There is one across the street, but then also one she and her husband go to. She relented and gave me the phone number of the good one. Unfortunately I had to cancel (see water pump). I got a real treat on the laundry side. It is a Health Department rule that guests cannot use the same washers and dryers that are used for the B&B sheets and towels and stuff. Must worry that all the cooties will mix up. They have two sets! And I can sneak my stuff in, as long as I am out before the sheets need to be done. The washer had a setting for "Silver Service." The label on the machine said it was a Silver Service model. I didn't touch it. Who knows? Either my wash will come out very shiny or it will cost me a fortune.

Anyhow, the innkeepers hold the keys to the kingdom. I now have in my sweaty little hands the schedule for all the events I need to reserve a room for. I must be very, very nice.