Many apologies for missed posting last night. I checked into the most incredible place and went to dinner. Ate so much it hurt. Really. And drank so much I didn't care. Much.

Yesterday, slept in up to the extended check-out time I get as a Preferred Member. Thought I'd go to Cedar Key. Then decided on Apalachicola. At the end of the afternoon, I was in Watercolor, 20 minutes down the road.

Since I was in Destin anyhow, I figured I'd make lunch at the restaurant I was trying to make for dinner. As I rode along the coast, I realized I'd be really sorry if I missed the beach since this is the Emerald Coast and really does have amazing beaches. Couldn't find restaurant but buzzed along beach road and found another. Decided to stop. Turns out parking lot is also lot for public access to beach. No spaces. No illegal spaces. Maybe could have parked on highway but too risky. Found another restaurant, not on beach but with the same laid back vibe. Donny G's. Supposed to have best burger on the beach but this is Florida and I want to eat fish. I hate to cook fish in the house as I have some funky kind of air flow and it ends up in my bedroom. Also, I am never sure how fresh the fresh fish is and I am totally grossed out by fishy fish. The poor waiter guy had to call Julia in from tanning on the beach as he is only one here. Ordered blackened grouper sandwich for old time's sake. You should never eat blackened anything unless it is 1988 or you are eating at K-Paul's. Anyhow, there is nothing and no one even remotely interesting here unless you count the scribbling on the roof beams that says Ain't That A Crawdad In A Dugout. I think I'm supposed to know what that means. Crawdad I get. Crawfish. Dugout I'm not sure, but I assume it is the muddy spot it burrows into. The whole phrase must be like Don't That Blow Your Skit Up or Don't Get Your Panties In A Bunch. I was so exhausted I dropped my sweet tea but it was okay because it spilled between the table and the wall. I was outside so that is why there was no problem. Got a refill. The sandwich was fabulous and so were the fries. I am taken to write in my little notebook from time to time as I have remembered so many names my brain is full. Even the little sense of direction area vacated due to GPS. I have figured out that most eating places think I am a critic. This suits me fine because they treat me well. The wait guy asked how it was and I said good. Actually, very good. Yessssss! he said. He is getting a very good review from me. Got to parking lot with guy looking under the car. This is interesting. No one who doesn't have an extreme interest looks at Woody's belly. I wish I could remember this guy's name. He is from Alabama and has a 1957 Tudor that was his grandfather's. He doesn't drive it much because it needs a little work. It has a 312 and cutouts and is two-tone green. I wish I could see it. He has four grand children and two children. One kid has two boys and a girl. The youngest is 4. He wants to Facebook me. I basically don't Facebook except with Mary Mary and a guy I used to have a crush on. He didn't ask for my address, anyway.

Hit the road. 400 ft. later found restaurant I was looking for. The lot was full, although there was one illegal space left. I am pretending I couldn't park anyhow, as it was breaking my heart. Kept on driving. Felt really, really bad not hitting the beach. Stopped at hidden public access. Just wanted to feel it on my feet. Pulled up and met Melissa. Her friends say she looks like Audrey Hepburn. I do too if Audrey worked out.

Obviously, people still tan. I know that Julia does. When it got hot we used to put towels over our faces. Seems that they still do. While you really can't see it here, the teenage girls are self-conscious, while the three young girls on the right were having a grand time running around. Struck me. My son's girlfriend is completely unselfconscious at 16. I have never seen that before. She is pretty and smart and funny and, well, perfect. Marry that girl. You have my permission. My feet in the sand has turned into my butt in the sand. Melissa thinks I should put my swimsuit on. There is a place right there. I demur. Melissa also said that they are right there and I can come over any time. She points to a place with umbrellas. Boy, they're friendly here. Later I saw a guy in their group carry several cases of beer over. Maybe that's why they're so friendly. I found out that this is the week before spring break so everything's great. Next week is going to be nuts. Sat for awhile in sunglasses and Shack Up Inn baseball cap. Haven't worn sunglasses yet on this trip. Wearing Sewanee t-shirt because I'm out of clothes again. Thought it would be overkill if I wore Sewanee Mom hat. Eavesdropping. Can't help it. Something about calling sheriff on someone.

This is Edward. His son Jacob is in the background playing in the sand. I squatted between him and a girl on one of those low chaise things that we all had in college. I had several. Finally had to write my name on the back so no one would steal it or if they stole it I would be able to track the mother fucker down. I used to tan (that non-p-c thing, except, it appears, in Florida where you can do some really serious damage, like smoking around the refineries is in Louisiana) on one of those things in the fraternity yard. Someone wrote something snarky in the Flambeau (I think that's what the college newspaper was called) about some girl in a bikini sweeping the yard. That would be me. I wrote back saying something about these guys sharing their house with me and so on. The frat took an ad saying how great I was. I'm telling you, I was all about this hygiene thing even back then. The place was filthy. Anyhow, she was on a lime green one. The story was this. Some irresponsible fat lady let her two kids (they said they were twins, but huh?) into the water and they were drowning. Jacob was there too. Edward saved Jacob, and the twins for good measure even though they were, well, hefty. Mom came over (quite awhile later) and Edward said he was thinking of calling the sheriff to come get her kids. He had saved them. Where was she? She was watching them the whole time. The whole time? She was about a tenth of a mile down the beach. Well, I'm sorry you had to do that. After she walked away, I began my investigative reporting. Not really. I talked to Edward and lime green beach thing. An airplane flew overhead (yeah, like it would fly below ground, why do we say that?) announcing Congratulations Meghan and Shane. I like that her name is first and hope it was for something good and not for, say, becoming teen parents or finally selling that house before the foreclosure.

Jacob is on the left. He is wearing sunscreen. Edward always takes care of Jacob. I can tell. Edward spends a lot of time overseas, the Middle East in general, and Iraq etc. specifically. He studies diseases not in a petri dish but like who's getting them and where and how to prevent that from happening. There are all sorts of gross diseases we know nothing about including one that puts all those craters in brown people's faces. I think that was the one from sand fleas. Once he did some actual good, the military didn't need him anymore. Edward is gone for four or five months at a time. His wife left him. She wanted to find herself (and you remember our dictionary definition: she was tired of his bullshit and needed to get the hell out of there). I suspect she wanted more than an imaginary husband. And she left Jacob, too. Motherless. Now I know something about this. I left my 10 year old and my husband for "mommy's year off." No explanation to my kid. It was nearly a year until we did the every-other-weekend thing. My husband expected me to come back. Maybe I did too, but I didn't. I came home and my house was destroyed. Nothing had been maintained. I owned that house outright when I met my husband. He had nothing. We sold the house and bought him a new one outright and I took a mortgage to buy my new one. My son got a puppy. It was the absolute worst thing anyone can do. I will never forgive myself. Just as an update, my son and I have a fabulous relationship and he lives with me when he's not in boarding school and everything is okay. I want to think so. Anyhow, Edward has been looking for a job stateside so that he can be with Jacob. He asked his son where he would like to be if he could live anywhere. Key West. Edward thinks he may get the job in Key West.

This really weird looking dog came to the beach. I wish the picture could show this. She is a regular size mutt, not one of those little ones and not one like a Somethingorother Mountain Dog. But she has a kooky haircut, all buzzed on the body with a little poof on the end of her tail and some on her ankles. You would think Mandy and John would just go ahead and buy a poodle. But I must admit, this dog has real character and it takes a real woman to rock that haircut. They wandered like me for their honeymoon and even slept in their rental car one night. There are nights I wish I had done that. Also, this has been a day for m names. Melissa and Mandy

This is Kim a.k.a. lime green thing. She is a single mother and homeschools her 14  year old son because the schools in Memphis are so bad. I really admire that. Someone stole her Mustang hubcaps on Beale Street. She also works. I'm not sure of the logistics but she has it under control. She thinks that they shouldn't suspend kids from school for doing small things if they are not going to give them daycare (I'm not sure what teenager care would look like) or at least a ride home. It punishes parents not kids. I agree. She said they ought to put them to work in the lunchroom or something. I agree with this too. Edward and Kim and I all agree that they suspend kids for a lot smaller infractions than when we were kids. I guess that's because kids work it out with guns these days. We talked about dating. She hasn't had a date in a while either (my dry streak is 8+ years and counting if you don't count my imaginary boyfriend and my almost-real imaginary boyfriend, hers is not). Kim and Edward can't that I'm 51. This is in Florida. God bless them. I love Kim on her lime green thing. I love Edward. I love the beach. Went to get ice cream. Ice cream place closed. I still love the beach. Went to nice stairway back to parking lot. Someone took  my shoes. I can't believe it. I have left Woody with all my computers, GPS, expensive boombox, plus all my regular stuff in the middle of Memphis for god's sake, and someone steals my old (but beloved) sandals. Trying to forget stolen sandals. It's like stealing your binkie. Still, considering spending more time on the beach. I am tired of traveling. I said I would go home when I was finished going. I wonder if I'm finished. This is the second day in a row I have wondered that.

Drove out again on 30A. I remember this because there are some very good places on 30A. Went about a mile. Saw very nice hotel/inn/other expensive place and pulled in. No room at the inn. Even in the off season. I must come here with my almost-real imaginary boyfriend one day, this time with reservations. This is David. He asked me if I'd consider a one-bedroom condo. Anything to stay in this nice place. It turns out this condo is 5 miles away, but it really didn't matter to me. It goes for $325 a night, but David gave it to me for $165. I'm telling you, off season and late check-in without reservations gets good stuff. I think Woody may have something to do with it, but I like to think it is my charm and exemplary personality. Pulled out of nice inn and drove through Seaside. Seaside! That's the cool planned community with all those wacky pastel buildings with towers that are side by side by side and some of them have guest houses. I really wanted to see this town and would be looking for it anyway. I looked at real estate online once and they were very, very expensive houses to be funky and side by side by side. I just had to know if it was as good as it is priced.

Drove to condo. Wondered if it would be in one of those highrises. I see highrise. Check address. Not yet, thank goodness. I am to be in the gatehouse over the entry thing. Yikes. I am only now thinking about the possibilities. But it is really on the second floor of a two floor building and it doesn't even have an outside metal staircase. The guard was very helpful in getting me in. It has a lot of security. I found out the name of my community is Watercolor. How nice. Wow! This place is great. Here's what you get for $325 (although I have my special $165 rate). 15 light switches. I judge the quality of accommodations by lack of black mold and the number of light switches. They do this with the toilet paper. Don't you just hate it when you can't find the end of the roll? You end up kind of tearing it wherever and then you have two layers unrolling at different times and you finally get fed up and pull off a whole lot until it is even again.

This is the view from my balcony (!). The horizon is the beach.

This is my bedroom and this is my living room. They both open onto the balcony through big beautiful french doors and not those awful sliding ones that people put butterfly decals on to keep the dog from running into them. My shower is huge and has a hand shower as well as the regular one with a rain head.

I have a kitchen and dining area too. It has fiesta ware and a retro blender and utensils that are neatly arranged. And check this out. I have a washer/dryer. I told you I have no more clothes so it would have been worth $165 for a private laundromat. All the romantic ideas I had of hanging out at laundromats with the locals evaporated when I realized I'd have to actually put my clothes in a washer someone else used. I'm still even a little bit (just a little bit) squeamish when my best friend has to use mine because the water level sensor on her new washing machine went out and she just didn't like using too much water so they had to come take it back. I really, really love the beach. I am thinking of staying another night. And Woody isn't even sick. Knock woody. 

I decided to go to dinner in that cute little Seaside. Got shanghaied by real estate guy in ridiculously shiny clean black giant SUV. Why do people think they need SUVs unless you really need a 4-wheel drive pickup like mine? The only reason I can think of is that men feel castrated driving a minivan even if it is really more practical. If that's a problem, just buy a Woody. Seats as many and gets better gas mileage. Plus you could meet chicks. I asked for a restaurant recommendation. ThirtyA. I asked what the dress is because I'm trying to figure out just what kind of restaurant Thiry A is. Everything. Well that helped. I tried asking about having a drink. I just want to have a relaxing drink. I'm thinking outside cafe. The bar is really good, he said. I guaranteed you'll love it. Everybody does. I guarantee it. Now I'm feeling guilty if I didn't go. It is on 30A. I want to eat on 30A in Seaside. But oh well. Drive to Thirty A. Valet parking. Go into my usual schtick at valet, getting myself a good self-park space. But he wants to valet park it. It costs $5 to valet park. I ask if he can drive three on the tree. Sure. But I absolutely positively have no intention of letting him drive. At Opryland! there was a guy who I would actually trust driving it, but we mutually agreed that I should park where they park the Rolls Royces. Right at the front of the hotel. This guy told me to park at the wooden fence behind the Tiny Tom. A Tiny Tom is a combination gas station mini-mart that is like a WaWa back home. So I did. Right behind the dumpster. Great job, valet.

Went to bar. Ordered Mt. Gay & tonic which I will only drink with lime. Poured so heavily I could barely choke it down. If I want that much liquor in one glass it should be a sipping bourbon with branch water like I learned on the Bourbon Trail. Ask for more tonic. Bartender won't make eye contact. Never said a word to me. Never looked at me. Isn't that what you pay bartenders for? Bar gets D-, real estate guy. And I took your card and everything. Went to eat. It is a white table cloth and candle place but with very nice natural colored canvas umbrellas hung from the very high ceiling. My table is at the edge of the kitchen one way and the bus station the other way. She wanted to seat me facing the dirty dishes. I said on the other side of the table. The breeze hit my feet at about 40 degrees. Is the meat locker open or something? Waiter looks like Jack Bauer. Have nice list of half-bottles, a positive, but didn't give me list of whole bottles, a negative. Ordered nice expensive Pinot Noir half anyhow. That just paid for the other seat, so give me a table for two in a reasonable location. I wish I had said that. Asked for my water with no ice. Got ice. Had great, really great, grits. It was supposed to be quail (with grits) but I couldn't find the swimmers. I'm sure they were good but who knows. I had to scrape all the crap off to eat them. I don't know about you, but I do not use a knife and fork on quail. Waiter perfect. Bread great. Olive oil excellent, fruity and spicy and most definitely a first pressing. Short rib yummy. Vegetables even better. Sweet potatoes great, but I don't know how I feel about the earthiness with the rest of it. Had to pour my own wine all night. Listen, for the expense, I should have a personal sommalier. Asked for ice cream choices. Chocolate, vanilla, macadamia nut, and cinnamon, all of which are garnishes on other desserts. Had bread pudding with cinnamon ice cream. Good. Real estate guy said pecan pie the best, but we know what we think of real estate guy's recommendations. Needed check right away. Expect waitguy to ask how it was. I was prepared to tell him. Fire valet. Redirect hostess. Food service great. Beverage service terrible. By the way, food was really good. And you can take your crappy table and shove it. Note to self: don't visit real estate guy. I really wanted to eat fried chicken on a sidewalk in Seaside.

Rolled into bed with a giant alien protruding from my belly. About to be in coma. Didn't want to bother getting up again to take sleeping pill even if I could.