Ya ever met one of these?

Now you know why I'm heading South.  There is apparently absolutely no way to get rid of these. They are disgusting.  Because the emit the lovely stink when disturbed, you can't smack them.  You have to pick them off one at a time with toilet paper and flush them. I tried vacuuming them, along with the Asian lady beetles (don't let them fool you, they're not our kind, dear).  They make the vacuum cleaner smell funky. Forever.

Stink bugs come into the house in the fall to hibernate.  They don't eat anything and they don't reproduce.  The problem is they fly.  They fly really loudly, believe it or not.  And it's always a possibility that they'll drop down in your hair.  It happened to me once.

Because of the weather this summer, two generations hatched. They tell you to close the cracks in your house so they won't get in. Well try that in an old house whose floors shrink and swell according to the humidity.  Anyhow, I had to do something, so I called Orkin.  They sprayed, but even the experts said it probably wouldn't work.  It made me feel better, though. Never mind they took all my big mouse traps and put in those sticky traps that make rodents laugh and catch only flies and spiders, the latter of which are good, as you know.

Then I had the great discovery. Flying Insect spray does not work, but Ant and Roach killer does! Never mind that you still have to pick up the bodies with toilet paper (they still smell, even when dead). I could control them! My windows became hazy with bug spray, but hey, no flying dinosaurs.

I was informed that the onslaught ends with freezing temperatures. It does. However, if you have a wood-burning fireplace, you have firewood.  And guess where stink bugs go when they can't hibernate in your house?

Thus, our plan to flee. Okay, one of the reasons we're running away from home.