Set out for Radium Hot Springs. I'm not sure I want to go to Radium. This is stuff you monitor so that you don't turn green and light up. Look up radium in Wikipaedia. Supposed to have killed Marie Curie. Also causes cancer. And we are going there. Via Kimberly. Kimberly is known for its free-standing cuckoo clock and is 16 kilometers each direction out of the way.

Stopped for breakfast. This is Cheryl. She works at R&B's Grill. Cheryl serves us Trucker Breakfasts with which we compete. Almost won, but in the end loose by 2 slices of toast. Someone else had a Got To Go Sandwich. Is it just me, or does that imply ptomaine? Had brief lesson in french fries, gravy and cheese. I think it's called potain or something like that. Hmmmm.... ptomain, potain.

Go to Kimberly in search of strudel. It is an alpine kind of town. I know this because the fire hydrants have lederhosen on them. Also know because of giant strudel sign. Strudel in Kimberly is not good.

This is the free-standing cuckoo clock. I'm impressed. Aren't you? They also have Willie's Weenies in Kimberly. And a hardware store. I love hardware stores. I especially like this one because the guy at the register is unbelievably gorgeous and kinda flirts with me. Want to ask name and take picture but figured he'd think I wanted to do this because he is so handsome. He is right. I do take pictures of lots of people though. Conflicted. Keep photo in brain. Buy tire gauge.

Return to parking lot. "Me and Clip Clop & The Ram took a vote...The Ram lost!!!" Giant horse with "walk the line" on side. Traveling preacher. Has his website on cab. I know that the truck is a Dodge Ram but I don't quite get the joke.

Still thinking about GPS electrical issue. Stop in auto parts store for probe thingie that will tell us if we are getting current in cigarette lighter outlet. This is, darn it, I can't find my notes. He knew right away what the probe thingie is called and where to find it. Drove more. This is the view from the back seat.

My turn to sit in the dreaded back seat. It is cold and windy. I am falling asleep anyhow so decide to duck under the tonneau and curl up on back seat. Curse red wheelie with hard bottom on my head. Fall asleep until hotel which is Big Meadow or Big Ram or Ram Head or something like that. It's nice. Go to Restoration Hour. Restoration. Get it? Restored cars? We drink at restoration hours. Tonight it is in a wine bar and is pleasant. 

Head to assigned dinner a Helna's Stube. The menu is covered in an embroidered tea towel. It also has lupines on the table. I love lupines, and as you already know, they grow wild here. 
We get appetizers from The Tour. They are yummy. This is Nicholas, could be Nikolaus because this is a kinda Bavarian place. Nicholas is twelve years old and very important to us. He is also the owners' son. Nicholas brings appetizers and water. And ice. We tip Nicholas a lot and begin a competition with other tables for Nicholas's services. I think he likes us best.
This is Samantha. She just started working here. This is bread. Duh. It is really good bread though, the kind that makes a good hollow sound when it hits the plate. It is very hot and we love it. So far so good at Helna's.

 This is Helna's schnitzel. It is no where near as big as Frank's but it is veal. I think schnitzel is supposed to be veal but Frank's is pork. This is Helna's spaetzle. It is very very good. Sorry Frank.

This is braised venison. It is very gamy. I hear the lamb shank is very good. Shoulda had that. We do not have dessert because it has taken an hour and a half to get dinner. This seems to be a Canadian thing. Note to self: get 4:30 dinner reservation.