This is a Sunshine Special which is a 1939 Lincoln used by the Secret Service. In 1942 (!) it was upgraded with a new front end. It was used by President Roosevelt and was heavily armored as someone had already tried to off him. It was called the Sunshine Special because the top was almost never closed. I don't quite know why this is, as the heavy armor would be a bit unnecessary, no? Anyhow, today called for a Sunshine Special. I wish Woody was a convertible. I took him down to see Ron the Hun at the gym. He joked about going to see my Woody and isn't that disturbing, etc. etc.

Had coupon for 6 free cookies with purchase of a dozen. I am all about cookies. This is Matt Marden, son of Elizabeth Marden the cake baker who does all the really superb cakes around here, you know the kind with fancy flowers and decorations and stuff like they have on Baker's Challenge or whatever it's called on TV. Matt is a photographer so if I need anything photographed I should call him. Also he says that these are the best cookies around. I ate six on the way home. I must agree.
Went to get appointment to have pickup inspected. Its inspection has been expired since October and since they have color-coded stickers, I don't know why I haven't been arrested. The mechanics loved Woody. This is Steve and Joe. I have a flathead. I am righteous.  I'm sure they will take good care of my Tacoma.
Hit the road. Going to Pork in the Park. Stopped for gas and a burger. This is Julio. I know absolutely nothing about him but I wish I did. I also met Shane who works in the transmission store just over there. I really wish I had a photo but I forgot. He had a grey hoody with the hood actually on his head and a pair of reflective sunglasses like the serious bicyclists wear. 

One of those huge LED kinda sign: Marl Pit Closed. Note to self: find out what a marl pit is. Sign:

               Put It In High Gear

and a picture of farm machinery! Passed Hoobers, said farm machinery place. Note to self: stop at Hoobers on way back. Sign: Trick Your Truck with picture of Peterbilt. I really need to find this place. I think it's on my way. It must be. Why else would they have a billboard? Well, I have seen stranger things in Kentucky, particularly around the Black Hole of Elizabethtown.

About half way down to Salisbury, stopped for night. My bedtimes have been getting later and later since I had that awful nightmare from which I kinda woke up sobbing. I was afraid of dying alone. I usually don't care about this and I didn't the next morning. But I must care because I'm afraid to go to sleep. Anyhow, my bedtime was 4 a.m. two days ago and I ended up sleeping 12 hours last night to make up for it. I think I should keep on making my bedtime later and later until I catch up at 9 p.m. or so. 

It is pouring torrentially. Check out the album cover: "rain, wind and speed". There is a deSoto on the front. I don't know what year but I think it's pretty apropos of today. Pork in the Park Parade washed out. Went to Target and bought pretty flowered rain boots for $24.95. I think tomorrow is going to be very muddy and I am going if it rains or not. I'm sure at least some of the 162 contestants will still be there. Target also has the Miss Trish of Capri sandals in and they usually sell out in a few hours. Bought two pairs in my actual size. Also some panties. There is a panty story for today. I have heard about this happening but it has never happened to me. I went into the AT&T store for some help with my wireless hotspot before I realized that my hotspot came from Verizon. Anyhow, it is a big store with a giant open space in the middle with three guys at the counters around the edge. No one else was there. I walk across the room and realize my panties are falling out of my left pant leg. Yesterday's panties. I had grabbed my jeans this morning without looking to see if I had put my panties in the laundry pile. I had not. Please understand that I did have clean panties on today. What do you do when three good looking men notice your black and white polka dot panties are about to hit the floor? I just picked them up and said, oh look, my panties and put them in my purse. I wish I had something witty to say but I can't even think of what I would have said. Told Lila Rae that it was Mommie's scarf.

Back to Target. I bought some Peeps for Easter. They didn't have any yellow ones. Well they did have yellow ones but they are the little bunny kind and they are just not the same. Settle for original Peeps in blue but just not the same. This is Vickie. She is looking down because she is doing her job and checking things out. Not too many people do their job anymore. Vickie is very good at fitting things inside bags in an orderly fashion. That is an art. She put my Peeps on the top not underneath the tire repair kit and the jumper cables which are very heavy. I groaned when I picked up the bags. I told her what I really needed at the time was a good man. Vickie says all the good men are old and on money. As in George Washington on the dollar bill. We laughed. I complemented her on her packing skill. She said that she learned that way because she was a supermarket checker and she never wanted her bologna with the canned goods. She wants everything arranged so that it is organized for when you unpack it. Like cold things with cold things, shelf stuff with shelf stuff and so on. Me too! I can never find a checker who does this and that's why I use the self-check even though I piss off everyone behind me in line as it is my whole grocery cart full and not just the milk that you forget. I do a bang up job with packing now that I know you push Continue after the My Bag button. I use those recycled bags for my shopping. I never have them in the right car or in the car at all because I left them in the kitchen last time I went shopping. I now have an enormous stack of bags because I keep on buying them when I forget them. I put them on the doorknob when I am finished unpacking so that I know to put them back in the truck. They get all wrinkly and don't stand up at checkout. Don't you just hate that?

The Tastykake saga of the day unfolds on the Editorial pages. One writer says that Tastycakes are no longer tasty. "I am a longtime fan and have noticed that the cake is no longer moist and the icing no longer creamy. Butterscotch Krimpets don't taste anything like butterscotch. Tastykake has changed the recipe, and cheapened a delight of regional customers. I'm sure that this was not the only problem with profitability, but it did not help." Then there is the "Furthermore..." box where you can write about what's already been written on the editorial page. I was once published on my opinion that the girl in the original opinion was young and so how should she know what it costs to be sick anyhow. This Furthermore... noted that the big headline shouldn't have been about Tastykake which was a lousy $34 million deal and should have been about Endo's $2.9 billion acquisition of some other pharmaceutical firm. He is from Swarthmore. No wonder. As an aside, one of the front page stories is about Seemed Right At The Time?! Scenes From Science Past which is a free evening program that covers stuff about binging and flatulence as the cure for something or other.