Is a crossword puzzle word. So are aglet, yser, essen and etui. Just seeing if you were awake. This week has been a bit of an olio (that is, mixture). Thursday night was a benefit auction for the Delaware scenic byway that runs along the Brandywine River. This area is locally known as "the valley" or "chateaux country." It is where the duPonts and sundry other old money families have lived for generations. New money, too, but not too much. Wouldn't be seemly. The area is gorgeous. Just over the Pennsylvania border is Chadd's Ford, where the Brandywine River Museum houses many Wyeths. Assorted Wyeths are well-known artists, but mostly Andrew. Here is one of his paintings, called Christina's World. I'm sure you know this one. This may be one of the worst duplications of the art I have ever seen, but use your imagination. Anyhow, this benefit is secret. Here is the mention on the site:

Byway Stewardship Celebration
An art auction to preserve and protect the Brandywine Valley NSB
April 21, 2011
By Invitation Only

You would think that in raising money, more would be better, but that's not how it's done up here. The auction is in a really nice barn owned by just the right person. Note the plywood background in front of which the paintings are displayed as they are auctioned. The auctioneer was pretty lousy, so one of the organizers stepped in and did the marketing. She was very knowledgeable. Her outfit is the epitome of the horsey set: nice dress and rubber boots (Hunter Wellingtons, natch).

Paintings went for $1700-$5000. I was the gauche one who paid $5000 in an uncontested single bid. I love this painting. Again, a really lousy picture of art but you get the idea. The name of the work is Thaw Huddle. I spoke to the artist and he felt that the cow on the right was the quarterback of the huddle of the cows on the left. Speaks both to my love of country and of football. Besides, the artist, Shawn Faust, is my ex-nephew-in-law if you follow, and I really wanted him to do well. He does equine portraits, too, and makes a ton of money now. When he first started, he went door-to-door in my neighborhood hawking watercolors of peoples houses. Not only is he talented, but he has the hustle. He has donated 6 paintings to various causes this year and now he needs to paint for baby's shoes, so buy a lot.

Miss Glamour Belles. Watch recording. More cookie spotting. Feel good moment with brain surgery little girl. That's about it. Oh, but I learned about the Fruit and Vegetable Circuit. That's the Miss Strawberry and Corn Queen and so on. More expensive dresses.

Friday night. Stole chocolate Easter Bunny from son's basket before I gave it to him. Broke front tooth on icing flowers. Really broke it, right down the middle. Serves me right. Went to get that stuff from the drugstore that's supposed to stick it together until you can see the dentist. The instructions said to first make sure the piece fits perfectly. It did. Made little ball of stuff and put on wet tooth as instructed. Like putting a layer of sand in Elmer's glue between two parts of tooth. Scraped it out with safety pin. Realized I could just pop piece in and it stayed most of the time. Terrified of dropping it down drain, so made sure to close drain before executing orthopaedics. Now terrified of swallowing it. Leave it out overnight. 

Saturday. Drove down to father's house with son and saw arrows to waterfront house auction. Fell in love. Overpriced. By a lot. Thought about it a bunch. Decided to buy only if a great bargain Attempted to close top on 1949 Packard. Canvas tighter than a virgin's, well you know. Father, daughter and grandson (my kid) all on project. Finally gave up and let it sorta hang there until it loosens up a bit.  May have to wet it. 

Easter Sunday. Brunch with 15 including dentist. Not mine. Had to get up to stick tooth back in about 4 times. Luckily the Ladies Room was right behind me and the dentist was sympathetic. Looked at house again. Great decorating job. Thought again and realized it was average girl with great makeup. Came home and decided that I love it here so much that I'm going to stay, even if I could have an awesome view of Oxford MD across the Choptank River.  Invited to dinner with used-to-be-best-friend. She just broke up with boyfriend. I guess that's why I am now invited back. Boredom. Great dinner on possessed porch. Many gin and tonics until the tonic ran out. Like old times, but with more wrinkles. Why do they call them crow's feet anyway? I have seen crow's feet and they do not look like eye wrinkles. Maybe feathers would be a better term. Speaking of feathers, I have an insane robin nesting in both the window boxes and above the front door light. I'm not sure how she tends both nests, or why for that matter. She bangs on the glass like cardinals do, fighting with her own reflection. Must be the mother thing. Leaves disgusting white waxy marks all over the window. Can barely see out. Wedding anniversary. Still celebrate even though we are divorced. Forget to give son Easter basket to called him on cell phone (he is in bedroom 6 feet above me) to come get it. Used big duffel bag with three little bags that fit inside it instead of basket. Included lots of car maintenance products and some Peeps. Kid loved bag. Sorta like the little kid who plays with the cardboard box more than the actual toy.

Sewanee. Kid says he'll have to grow beard. Forbade him. Long hair? Okay. Know that peer pressure will result in a rakish sorta longer hair but definitely not Woodstock hair. Watched RuPaul's Drag Race. Love Alexis Mateo. By the way, the site has a Dragulator. If you don't know that, you probably don't know about she-mails either.

Make hotel reservation for Carlisle Car Show. Can't decide whether to go Friday or Saturday. No hotel rooms for Friday, so Saturday it is. Good thing, because I'll be up for the royal wedding. Ponder staying up all night or getting up really early. Coverage starts at 3 a.m. At Princess Diana's, my peach of a boyfriend (the one who stood me up in Nashville) brought muffins over and we watched together. If I wasn't such an idiot, I'd have realized that was good for a couple of blow jobs.
Put tooth to bed.