Have you ever been to the Betty Ford Center? I have. For someone else. Really. I know you don't believe that but really. It's very nice to make my first personal glimpse at rehab. I have been feeling totally out of the loop because I don't know Lindsay Lohan. But I have seen her father on Celebrity Rehab. Now I am part of the It crowd. Well sorta. Not staying 28 days. Don't know the serenity prayer. Anyhow, Betty Ford is really nice and not at all what I expected. There are a million doctors and psychiatrists and psychologists and specialists. They are all very nice. The place is gorgeous, with manicured grounds sporting a desert chic vibe. That's all you need to know. Do not go there.

This is a picture of Joshua Tree National Park. I did not take it. I wanted to use a picture of the landscaping at Betty Ford but they are very very private. Anyhow, the landscaping has this feeling. Also we drove by Joshua Tree on the way there.