I have too many things on my DVR list to record at 9 pm Tuesday nights, so I'll never find out who was eliminated in Dancing With The Stars, but that is nothing compared to missing Deadliest Catch. I will leave the shower with shampoo in my hair for Deadliest Catch. It doesn't count if it's recorded. I need it NOW.

Seabrooke out for second load as they were such rock stars last week. Trying new greenhorn, a furniture mover from Idaho. He has read a lot of stuff on the internet and a lot of handbooks. He knocks on the wheelhouse door. Knocks? Captain Junior tells him he will be mentally broke and he needs to work through it if he wants to be a crabber. Has hard time lifting the herring. 40 pounds. Wait a minute. I used to sling three boxes of paper files at once at about 35 pounds apiece. Maybe it's because it's slippery and the boat is bouncing up and down like 15 feet. Makes lots of greenhorn mistakes. But other crew forgot to tie one pot on stack. Greenhorn giving up after 2 hours. Doesn't like other guys picking on him. Captain Junior tells him to man up. He quits. Junior never seen anyone do that before. Next episode preview: might not quit.

Cornelia Marie still sucking. I feel bad for the Harris boys but they are being a pain in the ass. Captain Derek says they don't know enough to run the boat and disses their late dad. They should have learned more while the old man was alive. He did them a disservice. Well that's telling it like it is. Bad storm on blue crab bed. Ones in tank will die. 22-35 foot seas. That's like a four story building. Anchors at St. Matthews.

Captain Bill from the Kodiak is back on the air. I guess he and the cameramen or the producer or his agent or whoever have sung kumbaya. Cool hoodie with three king crabs down the sleeves. I wonder if they sell it on their website. I'm not sure the Kodiak has a website, but the Northwestern does and it looks like they sell an awful lot. Note to self: find triple-crab hoodie. Crane broken. Have to push pots on deck. Crew morale high. Until big slip. Ouchy back. Will not go inside. In fetal position. Now one crane, one deckhand down. Big catch though.

Captain Eliott on the Ramblin Rose decides to go to processor early. Crab numbers good for his very first trip. Crew takes bets on pounds caught. Way, way less than expected, 13,000 pounds. $8000 to split. Thought it was 35,000. Oh dear. Owner wants 56,000 pounds. 

Sig business-like as usual. Lets Jake set a string of 52 pots.

Where are the Hillstrands? Not doing so hot on crab count. Not like them. I wanna see. Show me the Time Bandit. Maybe they're fighting with the producers now.