I am officially a hacker-in-training. Well not really. But I expect some of it is easier than it might first appear.

I am in Nova Scotia uploading photos through Dropbox, i.e., soon to be huge company because Photostream doesn't work. There is a public folder. It is not mine. Can't resist. Not only is there a document named Bank, but it contains every account, user name and password this company has. Another document has all the IP addresses for its internal network. And  business plans. And medical photos. I presume the latter belong to the user and they are not from a demented serial killer. Didn't look at them. Couldn't. Also found a ton of files from a company that actually SELLS information technology services.

So whatta you do? Copied bank numbers just because it was fun. Logged into bank. Ditto. I think I am a criminal. I don't think I've ever been a criminal before. Well, okay, stole this picture off of evolution of hacking site. This guy's name is in folder name, like Joe Smith's Folder. By contents of folder find out the name of the company he works for. Email him there, suggesting to change bank accounts. Another folder has a bunch of stuff for, shall we say, a medical practice. Emailed them through Contact Us on web site. I left my real name and email. Since the company is apparently a client of theirs, I think it will be, well, startling when they get my message. Done my white hat thing for the day. But boy is this fun.

Note to self: Delete all documents titled Bank. Future note to self: Delete all documents.