As reported a while ago, the Peeps guys bought Goldenberg's Peanut Chews. Goldenberg's Peanut Chews are objectively not particularly yummy. But I love them and so do a lot of other people. They are pretty devoid of sugar and pretty much any other flavor but they have that satisfying stick-to-your-teeth texture but not too soft. Well, Peeps thought it would do the corporate thing and expand, expand, expand. There was a new wrapper for the national audience. It didn't say Goldenberg's. Didn't go so well. Now they are going back to the Mid-Atlantic where they belong. Much of the old wrapper is back but with a liberty bell around the barcode (huh?). 

 This is the original wrapper. Grand and dignified.

This is the "national wrapper". Pure video game appeal. Looks like something sour and/or pop-y and/or hot that your kid buys with the money his grandmother snuck him. 

This is the new old wrapper. It also has nothing to do with the original wrapper. Alas.

I must admit, though, that the ads are pretty good, at least for someone of my, uh, longevity.

Note to Peeps: Stick to Liberty Bell marshmallow thingies if you must.