I don't get it. Why don't people get a flu shot? There is currently no shortage and there aren't any lines as far as I can tell in drugstores and supermarkets unless you try to get one at my CVS which is too busy and the pharmacist is working at the front and Ben isn't qualified so you (what should we say?) should make an appointment. Went to Giant and had shot while watching Eagles Touchdown Sundae melt because it is on the hot chicken and I just remembered on the checkout line that I wanted a shot. The pharmacist checked if Blue Cross would pay (which it wouldn't which I think is pretty short-sighted of them unless they are depending on the Giant's free antibiotics program) and since they wouldn't he gave me the $5 discount that I should have gotten and probably did and threw out before I read it.

Back to the subject, I just don't understand why people don't get a flu shot. When you have the flu you will be begging me for a $25 cure. And you will get it. The flu that is. I'll throw you a can of chicken soup. Now, I have a particular problem with Ron the Hun. He is a trainer. In a gym. Where a gazillion people touch their germy faces and then the dumbbells. Ron the Hun is a sanitary kinda guy. He won't shower at the gym (the men's side doesn't have those great girls that mop the shower every time someone uses it). He wipes down the Abcore after my sweat is all over the black vinyl. In fact he disinfects everything I sweat on because he has good hygiene. This is not easy as I sweat like a pig. I was thinking what I could use as a better analogy. Sweat like a drug dealer on line with a narc? How does a pig sweat anyhow? I didn't think pigs sweat. Don't they roll around in the mud?

94 entries completed and not posted. I will get back to number 1, finish it, and finally post all the rest of those bad boys. And you thought I just forgot about you.