Pat my mail lady is getting big muscles delivering to me. Amidst the credit card offers and solicitations for save the somethings was a brochure for the Spring Carlisle Auction. That's as in auction of old cars, and Carlisle is not too far from me. Apt isn't it? CARlisle. Maybe they have it there on purpose so that you can remember it. I don't think this one is on TV. The auction is from April 28-30. Sounds like a road trip to me. This weekend is a break for Easter, but next week I'll be in Carlisle. I see that RM is now involved in the whole thing through something called Auctions America by RM. RM is a pretty good auction house for expensive cars. They call them Premiere or something. Anyhow, the Spring Carlisle Collector Car Swap Meet & Corral, as they call it, has a bunch of stuff to do. Apparently there will be 2,000 cars at the corral. My brochure certainly doesn't show that many so the corral must be different than the auction. Is it possible to even walk around 2,000 cars in one weekend? There are 8,100 "vending spaces" and we will marvel at one of the largest automotive swap meets in the world. They also have a cruise. As you know, I keep on trying to get in one of these but either the weather or Woody's performance suck. There will be live music and goody bags. Better get registered right away. There are lot of prizes, but Woody isn't a beauty pageant kind of girl. I do all that. There is a Hot Rodders of Tomorrow and, my favorite, Junk-In-The-Trunk. Hmm.... But look: "Hang Ten" at Spring Carlisile. This is Woody's kinda gig. Maybe they'll nominate best impersonation of the cover car. I went to search the cars for sale and found one of the choices is 1/2 Ford. Is that what happens when you get into an accident?

Well, I am already excited and Deadliest Catch hasn't even started yet. Oddly, the Kodiak IS on the intro and also the crab count but not in any footage. I wonder if the captain got tired of the camera crew or they did of him. Seabrooke continues to be a rockstar. Pullin' those pots and movin' 'em right up the spot where the crabs bunch up. Junior had to make his bait boys move faster. Captain Keith on the Wizard was having a fit as always. They caught nothing. He said the three traits he has that he doesn't like about himself are loud, pissed off, and aggressive. He worked his crew 50 hours with only a snack break. Think about it. If you got to work on a Monday morning, say at 9 a.m., it would be Thursday at 11 a.m. with only a KitKat from the vending machine. No wonder he's loud, pissed-off and aggressive. One of the crew said if someone told me I could get six hours of sleep right now if I slept right there in the cod bin, I'd wrap up with a cod and go to sleep right there. I think that was the 40-something greenhorn. Jake is learning to be a captain on the Northwestern but he knows that Sig will never give him the boat so he wants to get on top of any boat. It's been five years since he started. Jake's dad disappeared a few seasons ago (or was it last season) and he now takes care of his 4 sisters with 12 children among them. He looks much older than he did before. They put up a cross and some food for his dad because dad would never go into the woods with no food. Some greenhorn (I forgot which) on some boat (I also forgot that) learned to do the stacking. He was very slow but it was boot camp for him. I also learned about sand fleas. Did you know that these little bugs or whatever are tiny, tiny, tiny but when they eat they get about as big as a puffy nickel? Kinda like leaches. Problem is, they eat all the bait within one to 2 hours before the crabs even get a sniff of it. They leave the bones. Spooky. I think it was the Cornelia Marie that had the sand fleas, and they got off to a very bad start to begin with. The new guy on the Ramblin Rose took a tip from a fisherman buddy and found exactly zero crab. Not quite true. Found some crab in first career pot so he was pumped up at the beginning. Crumpled up map and threw it out the window. Note to self: never take fisherman buddy's tips. They're all liars anyhow, anyone could tell you that about fishermen. After the show, they showed and told that 10 million viewers watched the first episode of season 7, and this was even against Dancing With The Stars, The Results Show.

Much to my delight, Hogs Gone Wild started today. Doesn't that sound like bikers with spring breakers with no tops on? As they don't have any boats here are sort of teams so you can keep track of who's what: Road Hogs, The Mavericks, The Family Business, L-3 Outdoors , the Wild Hogs, All-Star Animal Removal, and The Rookies. I think some of these are different names for the same people. The latter are greenhorns in Bering Sea parlance. One of the Mavericks is a girl named Krystal. She's really pretty and wears pink socks. They don't have any girls on Deadliest Catch. Andrew is called the pig whisperer. I'm not sure how that works because he has caught over 1000 pigs. Hogs are bad because they wreck the forests even by houses. A guy on a motorcycle t-boned a sow and piglets and broke his spine. You ever hit a deer? Probably not because you wouldn't live to tell about it. We have lots of deer swipes here. Lots of cars get mangled and windshield glass goes everywhere. Anyhow, one of the hunters loves wildlife. I bet he loves it in his oven. There is a cemetery that is being rooted up because they are looking for the buried acorns. Hogs are 200-300 pounds. The idiot Australian biologist climbs into a cave that smells like hogs. Well, there are hogs. They put them in those plastic things that you pull the end through and it won't come back out like the police use on perps. Pigs eat dogs. Dogs are sent out to find pigs. Now is that fair? You can find pigs with a thermal device. Brush piles suck. Hogs eat 7 pounds of oranges a day. You should use dogs to keep the hogs from coming back. You "put hogs down" because there is no relocation allowed in Florida. It's a good thing that I live in the country because we relocate our coons, groundhogs and squirrels on our neighbors properties until they find their way back or the neighbor relocates them to our place. Hogs scare girlfriends. Brush piles suck. Dogs wrestle  pigs by the ears. Or more than wrestle. You should not feel bad for these feral hogs. In Florida, the dogs ride in ATVs with armor on them. Hogs are mostly nocturnal and you should stay up all night until you get them. Hogs Gone Wild has a This Is Spinal Tap vibe. I want to laugh. Feel bad. Nah. I laugh. And that's all you need to know about the piggie show. I will watch reruns of Toddlers and Tiaras instead from now on.